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| Chapter Thirty - Seven — Oh, no |

Mingyu shoots up, "What?!" His eyes are so wide he's surprised they don't pop right out of his head, "Tell me in a way I can understand."

"Minghao got thrown back in prison. What other way is there to say it?" Joshua scoffs, crossing his arms, "It's weird, though. He's not dumb enough to get caught so sloppy like that."

Mingyu's blinking harshly. This didn't make any sense whatsoever, "We have to help him," He says to Joshua, slamming a hand down on his desk, "We gotta get him out."

"Had a change of heart?" Joshua teases. Mingyu frowns. Joshua chuckles at his expression, "I'm glad. I missed the Mingyu who showed emotion."

Mingyu rolls his eyes, paying Joshua's words no mind, "Send out our main troop. You, Cheol, Hansol, Wonwoo, Jihoon, Sunoo-yah, and maybe some of the others. We need to come up with a plan and fast. We all know what happened last time he was thrown in that shithole."

"Got it," Joshua's already out the door, doing as Mingyu says. He barges into the meeting room in no time, "Round up! We have a rescue mission ordered by the man himself."

"Let me guess who for," Sunoo hums in sarcasm, tapping his finger on his chin as if he were thinking super hard.

"I thought he lost feelings," Hansol says.

Joshua gives him a look, as if that were the dumbest possible thing you could ever say, "You know he never did," He sighs, gaze trailing along everyone in the room, "You all know."

"Why's he back in prison?" Seungcheol asks. Joshua's surprised this wasn't the first question asked, "He's not stupid."

"Exactly," Sunoo agrees, "If we're all talking about the same Minghao, there's no way in hell he'd get caught that easily."

"That's what's tricky. We don't know his motive," Joshua tells them all, "He left Mingyu when he just seemed to have finally wanted to stay. Nothing about this makes sense."

"Maybe he was forced," Hansol adds.

Seungcheol looks at him, "What do you mean?"

Hansol shrugs, "Like what if he never actually left? What if, that night, he was taken? That makes sense." He says, "Shua hyung, you just said that he left right when he looked like he wanted to stay. If he did, why'd he disappear so suddenly? If he just seemed to show emotion towards Mingyu, why would he leave?"

"Was there no CCTV?" Sunoo asks, "Mingyu hyung's house is loaded with cameras."

"It was destroyed when Minghao broke into Mingyu's house last year and Mingyu never got them fixed because... well, he was obviously unable to," Joshua scoffs, "That smart little shit," He curses Minghao out in his head.

"Fuck," Seungcheol nibbles on his knuckle, "How are we supposed to get him out?"

"I say a sneak attack," Sunoo smirks. Joshua, as well as the others internally groan. That was the dumbest possible plan, "We take out every guard that gets in our way, steal the cell key, and get him out just like that. Boom."

Hansol blinks, "That's... something."

"That's a terrible plan," Joshua corrects, "If Minghao really went there for a reason, this could be a trap. If he really was taken, he could be..." Joshua doesn't want to continue.

Sunoo cringes, "You don't think he joined hands with somebody else..." He swallows, "You all saw how loyal he was to Cerise. He fucked up half our gang because we stole one member. There's no way he'd ever turn his back on them."

"Let's say he dropped Cerise," Seungcheol replies, "There's no way he's doing this shit alone. And he obviously didn't join us. There's only 2 other gangs he could've—"

"No way," Joshua says, "There's no way."

"Carnelian and Cardinal are the worst groups you could possibly turn to, hyung." Sunoo tells Seungcheol.

"They're also the only groups he could've turned to," Seungcheol argues, "We wiped out Amaranth back in 2010, remember? And besides, Minghao's become a crazy person anyways. You all know that. What makes you think he wouldn't drop his gang and join somebody else? You forget he hated his parents. And they owned Cerise."

It felt like the truth. Joshua hated that. So did the others.

Why was Minghao's life so fucked up? Why was he making this so hard?

"We gotta save him," Joshua tells the 3 of them, "No matter what his reasoning is for being there, we need to get him back. Besides Mr.Kim, he's Mingyu's top priority and with that man being our leader, there's absolutely no way we can let anything bad happen to Minghao."

When everyone seems to understand, Joshua thanks whoever runs the sky.

"Weapon up. We leave at dawn," He tells them all, "With Mingyu."

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