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| Chapter Twenty - Seven — Lullabies and bad planning |
| 📍 Chicago, Illinois |

"Lock every door and window. I want this place seriously secured. Absolutely nobody can hear the plan other than us or we're fucking toast," Mingyu instructs, a few people bowing to him before running to do as he said.

"I'm glad you're back." Sunoo pats his shoulder, "We missed you."

Mingyu looks down, "I must've lost it for a moment. I'm sorry," He looks at the remaining members before him. Hansol, Joshua, and Seungcheol, "My mission was to watch him, not fall for him. I made a mistake and will beg for my people's forgiveness for the rest of my life."

"Mingyu-yah," Seungcheol sighs, "We forgave you when we made you leader."

"Yeah. It wasn't an automatic choice. We knew you hated your father so at first we were gonna hold a voting for the new heir. But now, looking at you, I can feel your need for revenge. We all can." Joshua adds, "We made you leader because we want to help you get what you're looking for. Revenge on the people who ruined your life."

"Your father." Hansol answers, and Mingyu frowns, "He made your life a living hell and we just sat on our hands. We should be apologizing to you, sir."

"It's okay," Mingyu shakes his head, "What's done is done. We need to focus on finding my father. If we don't pinpoint his location, he could find us first."

"Understood," Joshua says. He pauses after a moment or two, looking up hesitantly, "Mingyu?"

"Yeah?" Mingyu blinks.

Joshua gulps, "Are we gonna look for him?"



Mingyu doesn't answer for a moment or two, actually, he doesn't answer at all. Joshua and the others take the silence as a no, lowering their heads in defeat, but understanding.

"He betrayed me by leaving," Mingyu shakes his head, "I don't fuck with rats." Every word that leaves Mingyu's mouth hits his heart like sharp daggers. He can't be weak, "He's played me for too long. It took me too much time to wake up and realize that all he was trying to do was get information out of me."

"He loved you," Sunoo doesn't know why he's standing up for Minghao instead of his own leader, but nothing about what Mingyu was saying felt right, "I didn't like him, but I could tell he loved you. He really did."

"It was never love," Mingyu shakes his head, "It was all lies. I see that now."

Hansol frowns, "Sunbae, that's a bit much."

"It's the truth. I don't give a damn if you don't believe me." Mingyu huffs, hating the feeling of that deep ache in his chest. He feels sick, "Now get ready. We're grouping up in 30. I have a plan."

"For what?" Hansol shrugs, "Minghao's gone. What else is there—"

"My father," Mingyu responds, "My father is coming after me, if not Minghao. We need to be prepared for everything. He'll do absolutely anything to get this position back."

"Anything?" Sunoo closes his eyes, pained.

Mingyu nods, "Anything."

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