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| Chapter Thirty - Four — Never really had this before |

Minghao jolts in the restraints wrapped around his body.

They've got his head rolled to the side, limbs entangled just right so this person above him can burn a rose into his neck.

Minghao merely whimpers.

The pain is excruciating.

There's no numbing. No medicine to make him fall asleep.

It's nothing like he's ever felt before, but at the same time, he can't help but feel a sense of excitement.

It's a feeling puddling deep in his veins, mind and soul knowing just how amazing it'll be to see the life leave Mingyu's eyes—


The life leave Cerise's eyes.

He'll kill them.

He'll kill them all.

"Hold still," It's a boy. A young boy, "I just gotta finish the shadowing and then you'll be out in 30. You gotta let your skin simmer," He presses the shrunken blowtorch against Minghao's skin again, chuckling when he hisses, "Unless you're one for pain."

"On good days." Minghao cackles. He can smell his own skin burning, but god, it's so exciting.

The boy above him just laughs, wrapping things up with one last slash of the flame, "I'm Gunwook."

"And I'm sure you know me," Minghao sits up slowly, rolling his head around to rid of the ache in his bones, it only causes his burnt skin to come to life again.

It's still sizzling.

"Careful," Gunwook sighs, "I don't wanna start over, that's even more painful." He clicks his tongue with a shrug, "And quite frankly, impossible."


How do you unburn a burn?

"You're officially a member of Cardinal. How do you feel?" Gunwook hums, patting Minghao's head like he's a dog.

Minghao shifts away, "I fucking hate gangs after all this shit I've been through." Is the response he settles for. Gunwook merely laughs. Minghao thinks he's about to go utterly insane. "I'm glad you're finding humor in this."

"Sorry," Gunwook covers his mouth to hide the giggles that spill, "It's been a while since there's been something said worth laughing for."

Minghao sighs, "That's sad."

"Ain't it." Gunwook sighs, "I'm used to the silence, though— Doesn't bother me much anymore."

Minghao just rolls his eyes, hissing as Gunwook lightly blows at his inflamed skin, "That hurts," He says, making it clear he'd rather have it sore than constantly stinging all the time, "Jesus, you people are insane."

"You people," Gunwook repeats, shaking his head in amusement, "You're one of us now, Ahjussi. Don't be afraid to admit it."

"I'm not here to make friends or bond with any of you," Minghao rolls his eyes, "Thank you all for rescuing me from that piece of shit of a man, but I've got more important things to worry about. Y'know? Revenge and all."


"Mingyu killed my parents. Haven't you heard?" Minghao's head hurts at the memory.

The memory that doesn't exist.

"He what?" Gunwook furrows his brows, seeming confused, "But... But Ricky said—"

"Hello, Wookie!" It's Ricky, as if on cue. He stumbles inside, slamming his hands on Gunwook's shoulders as he greets him, "You did a good job." He stares at the burnt rose.

"Thanks..." Gunwook's still unsure of the situation. But, nonetheless, he pays it no more mind after another moment or two, "It didn't take that long, and Minghao here took it like a champ, so..."

"Nah, that shit hurt," Minghao spits.

Ricky laughs and Gunwook follows him, "It's good to know that our youngest is showing you the ways of being a Cardinal member," He sighs, walking over to Minghao. The blonde stares at his rose with a grin, "First rule: Pain. You need to learn how to deal with it."

Minghao chuckles, "But, I already— Fuck!" He hisses when Ricky jabs his thumb right on his burnt skin.

"Hyung! My art!" Gunwook pouts, "Don't mess with it. The rash could spread if it gets infected this early. It'll look nothing like a rose."

Ricky snickers, "Second rule: Don't swear around the babies," He tells Minghao, pinching Gunwook's cheeks. Minghao watches the younger swat at the blonde's hands.

"Liar. Get away from me," Gunwook hisses, "And you're only 19."

"Real second rule," Ricky begins, pulling up a chair and taking a seat just in between Minghao and Gunwook, "Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment. Yeah, you're pissed that your folks are gone and everything, but don't let your opponent know just how affected you really are. They could use it against you. Some words hurt just as much as stab wounds."

Minghao swallows, "Then, what?"

"Third and final rule," Ricky says, leaning closer, jaw clenched in all seriousness as he looks into Minghao's eyes in warning.

"What is it?" Minghao pleads for an answer. 

Ricky grins so deeply it's nearing the edge of scary, "Never hesitate." His words ring through Minghao's head like a gunshot, "Whether it be with words or killing," He tells him, "Never. Hesitate."

Minghao swallows.


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