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| Chapter Thirty - Six — Riki, think |

"He, uh— He got... arrested."

"What?!" Seokmin screams through the earpiece. Riki hisses in pain, "After all this time? How the hell did that happen?!"

"Got me," Riki scoffs to himself, keeping his eyes locked on the prison Minghao's trapped in, "Hao hyung is way too smart to get caught. He had to have just waltzed in there."

"No way. It doesn't make sense," Seokmin sighs. He's so confused, Riki's not surprised, "Why would he just walk in there when he knows there's zero chance of him getting out? And how is he alone? Where's Mingyu?"

"I don't know," Riki shakes his head, not sure of what to do, "Something's up."

Seokmin gasps suddenly, as if he remembered something important, "Wait, Riki."

"What's up?" He asks, keeping his eyes on the building across the street. He was crouched just behind a few bushes.

"I might've sent another person down to you," Seokmin clicks his tongue.

"Another person?" Riki repeats, "Why? I already have Jungwon hyung."

"And is he with you?"

Riki sighs, looking at the empty spot next to him, "No," He frowns, "I told him to keep an eye on Jongseong and the others who keep trailing us. That's an important job."

"Making sure you aren't alone on a mission as dangerous as this is also an important job," Seokmin tells him, "So, I sent help. I don't care how much you complain, I can't have you by yourself."

Riki closes his eyes in defeat. He knows there's absolutely no chance he can change Seokmin's mind, "Fine," He gives in even though he doesn't want to, "Who'd you—"

"Sunbae!" Riki hears a harsh whisper come from his right. He flinches at the suddenness.

Riki's face immediately sours, "Seriously?"

Eunchae stumbles over, a bright smile on her face as she crouches down in the empty spot next to him, "We can't have you alone," She repeats Seokmin's words.

Riki stares at her for a full minute, disbelieved. He turns away, pressing his earpiece harshly, "Hyung—" He blinks, "Her? Why would you send her? Are you trying to get us killed?"

"Am I that bad of a Cerise member?" Eunchae scoffs, "I'm just as good as you."

"You need help, Riki. And I have to stay here. Someone needs to watch over the others."

Riki groans, dropping his head between his shoulder blades in agony.

"I can't believe he just walked in," Eunchae had binoculars pressed against her face. Fucking binoculars, "That's insane. Why would he do something that stupid?" Her eyes are ridiculously big through the end of the lenses.

It's funny, but Riki holds a laugh.

"We don't know for sure," Riki sighs. He hates having to worry about more than one thing now, "We need to figure out how he got here without putting ourselves in danger or getting caught." He tells her.

"Understood," Eunchae's still looking through her binoculars, determined.

Riki cracks a smile, shaking his head, "You're unbelievable," He sighs, "Truly."

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