I close my eyes, in an attempt to fall asleep. It doesn't work. It hasn't worked for the past few days since coming home. Harry is still in hospital. Slowly starting to respond. Very damaged. I've cried more than I thought was humanly possible. I think the hardest part is that I can't properly talk to him and tell him how sorry I am.
I can't bear to go to my parents house yet, and tell them that I came back here and lost my job for Harry, so I'm staying with Louis for now, in Harry's room seeing as it's free for the time being. His room smells like a mix between cigarette smoke, alcohol and his cologne.
I bury my face in his pillow in an attempt to stop crying, but his scent only makes me sadder. I hear a knock at the door, but I ignore it. "Alexa.." Louis says and I hear him walk over to me. He sits on the bed next to me and I pull my face out of the pillow. My phone rings that moment and i quickly answer it, "Hello?" It's a nurse from the hospital.
"Please come quick. It's urgent."
I hang up my phone and grab my purse, and Louis and I race to the hospital. Please be okay, Harry. Please. I bite my lips to try and stop crying, but it doesn't work. I can't bear the thought that Harry might not be okay and might not make it. I need him. Louis holds my hand the whole way but I can tell he's just as worried as I am. When we get to the hospital we rush in and go straight to Harry's room, where we find many frantic nurses.
I can't even get far into his room because it is so packed with nurses. I finally see Harry, and my heart breaks. He is finally properly awake, and he is coughing a lot, hardly able to breathe. I try to walk over to him, but the nurses won't let me. Why the hell would they ask me to come here if I can't even see him? I push them out of the way and rush over to his bed. He looks at me properly for the first time since I've been here and the hurt in his eyes is enough to break my heart. He grabs my hand as he struggles to breathe. There is so much pain evident in his eyes and his body, and I feel so helpless right now. All I can do is stand here and pray that he'll be okay. The tears fall down my cheeks as I watch Harry unable to breathe and the nurses rushing around trying to help him.
A few moments later, a doctor walks in and rushes over to his bed. He says a lot to the nurse which I don't understand, but what I did get from what he said is that Harry's lungs are collapsing as a result from an overdose of drugs and alcohol. They start to move his bed out of the room before I can say goodbye to Harry. He is getting worse each minute. This is a result of my selfishness.
I walk over to Louis, both shocked and torn apart. "I'm sorry, Alexa." My throat swells up and the tears overtake me. "What if he doesn't make it? If he's gone, the only thing I have left is a hole in my life, and it's all my fault." He holds me tight, "He's going to make it."
"Alexa, you can come in now." The nurse that is looking after Harry says, opening the door to his room. I walk in, feeling both nervous and terrified. Is he going to make it? I walk over to his bed and hold his hand. He opens his eyes and looks over to me and before he can say anything, tears fill his eyes. My actions reflect his, and neither of us know what to say. I try to stop crying, because I feel like I have no right to be crying right now. This is my own fault.
"I'm sorry." He says, barely able to speak. I shake my head, "Don't, Harry. Don't be sorry." The nurse walks over to his bed, "You're going to be okay, Harry. It's a miracle. Your lungs should have completely collapsed and you shouldn't be alive right now. You're incredibly lucky." I feel a wave of relief rush over me. "You can leave when you're ready, but you need to be careful and you'll have to come back each day for a check up." He nods and thanks the nurse, then she leaves the room. I don't know how Harry is okay, he shouldn't be, but somehow he is and for that I am so grateful.
"I'm okay." He whispers. I nod, "You're okay."
Here's another chapter, sorry it's short! Just wanted to write another chapter but didn't have time to make it a long one! Xx

Angel (H.S AU)
Fiksi PenggemarAlexa was a model, and living a successful life. One day though, her mother decided she needed a touch of reality. She gets put to work in a local Metal Health facility, where she meets Harry Styles. He is a boy who's life has been over taken with d...