Chapter Thirty-Five

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- 6 Months Later... -

I place the final box on my new bedroom floor. I look around my new room and smile, this is what I need, a fresh start. I went back to my old apartment for six months after ... the incident ... but I just couldn't get back into modelling, so there was no sense in me staying there. I decided to move into my own place, about five minutes from my parents place, which also happens to be about 10 minutes from Harry's place, if he does still live with Louis.

I did consider moving to a new town, but I wasn't ready to let go of this place again. I know it's risky seeing as I'll probably run into Harry at one point or another, but he's moved on, so I don't need to worry about that. I do sometimes wonder what he's up to these days, but I know better than to try and ask him, because the few times I have I get no answer - I gave up trying a few months ago.

Since this new chapter of my life has begun, I haven't done all that much. Maybe it's because I'm scared to do something new, because it means truly moving on, or maybe it's because I just don't know what to do next. I think the biggest change I've had is cutting off my hair. I needed to something, and I've always wanted short hair, that's enough change for at least one year, right? 

I begin to unpack the boxes, getting through them slowly. Right now my bedroom consists of a mattress on the floor, with a pile of clothes next to it and a little bedside table holding all of my loose belongings. I wasn't able to bring much big furniture seeing as the move was pretty far from my old apartment. I get to a box that I know I don't want to open. A box containing photos, and a lot of them. I slowly pull it open and as if the world is trying to laugh at me, there is a photo of Harry and I right on top. It is my favourite photo of us, I don't really know why, I just really love it (photo from above).  I forgot all about some of these photos, mostly because I packed this box right after we officially ended things.

I mentally slap myself for looking through these photos, and quickly shut to box. I'll open it in a few years when I'm well and truly moved on and happy without him. I finish unpacking my other stuff and then realise it's dinner time. I have no food here, and I haven't been out for dinner for a while, so out it is! I find a nice dress and put it on, then touch up my makeup and head to a restaurant. I decide on one that's not fancy but not casual, just a good medium.

I head inside and take a seat. It's kind of nice to be alone, I mean, I can't deny that I would rather it if Harry were sitting across from me right now, but doing something alone is sort of nice too. I order my main meal and it comes pretty quickly and then I decide to go to the bar to get a drink. I figure if I'm out for once, I may as well treat myself. I sit down and look over to the stage where someone is preparing to play. Someone that I know is preparing to play. Harry. A ting of pain hits my chest, and a tear rolls down my cheek. He looks happy, he's smiling for once. I hope he doesn't see me, I can't help but feel that if he did see me, that happiness would be gone. But I also don't want to leave, I want to see him play. 

They eventually are ready, and are about to play. Harry walks up to the microphone and begins to talk. "Ah, good evening everybody. Thanks so much for being here tonight, I can't wait to play for you all. You might notice me, I'm usually up here with my band, but it's just to me tonight. I'm just going to play you a few songs I've written recently. I hope you enjoy them.." He picks up his guitar and starts to play, and then he begins to sing. I've rarely ever heard him play, but from the few times I have I can tell he has definitely improved. He is incredible, and so talented, and I am so proud of him.


When Harry's set has finished, he has gained quite a crowd of fans. He waves and walks off the stage. I watch him as he walks into the main area of the restaurant. I should've left to completely avoided any chance of us seeing each other, but it's too late now, he'll definitely see me if I leave, but if I quietly sit here, hopefully I'll go unnoticed. 

I see him walk over to a group of people and I recognise them, it's his band. There is a girl with them, and Harry puts his arm around his shoulders. I slap myself in the face. Of course he would have moved on, he was the one who told me to leave. I want to look away, because the sight of what was once mine, now with another girl is more painful than I imagined it would be, but I can't stop looking at him, and how happy he seems to be with her. 

I pay for my drink and grab my purse and quickly leave the restaurant before I become a crying mess, and bring attention to myself. This is reality, Harry wasn't always going to be mine and I need to accept that. All I ever wanted was for him to be happy, and now he is.

"Hey!" I hear someone call out to me as I'm walking to my car. I wipe my cheeks from the tears and turn around and see a familiar face. I force a smile, "Hey, Ashton?" I ask. He nods, "Yeah. Alexa right? I haven't seen you in a while." I nod, "Yeah, I've been out of town since.." I go to say something about Harry and I breaking up, but I figure he would've known seeing as Harry is with someone else now. "Yeah, um, Harry kinda told us what happened. I just wanted to say hey, and.. yeah." I smile, "Thank you. Maybe we could hang out one day." I know Harry would probably kill Ashton if he hung out with me, but in all honesty, I could use a friend seeing as the only people that I know in this town are Harry and Louis. He smiles, "That'd be cool." 

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