Chapter 1

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Nandini's pov

The birds chirping early in the morning is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard, it's calm and peaceful right before the chaos begins. I don't know if a lot of people wake up so early just to listen to the birds but they should, It's so nice and a perfect way to begin the morning

I could watch the sun coming up and hear the little birdie's chirping for hours and I do every single day, I mean I don't wake up intentionally, it just because I can't sleep at nights, insomnia is a real pain sometimes.

Sometimes I wonder how life would be if I wasn't alone in this world and if I had someone to hold me while I was at my lowest but unfortunately there is no one so now I gotta get up and take care of myself

It's the same old day like always except today is a bit special might I add, my best friend is getting married to her best friend who happens to be also a very good friend of mine and we are staying in this huge ass hotel close to the church.

"couldn't sleep again?" I hear her voice

"No" I whisper back

"Nandini sweetheart you really need to see a therapist or a doctor just anyone" she mumbles

"Okay no, not something we should be discussing right now. Navya you are getting married" I giggle looking at her, my chin rested on my knee

"I am and thank you for helping me get this far baby" she whispers

i couldn't help but tear up hearing her, I think she noticed it because she wrapped her arms around me hugging me. I tried to hold it in but I couldn't so I burst out in tears feeling her warmth

I have everything I need but warmth, and love, money, a house, my parens left me everything but love and care. it sounds petty but I would do anything for that love and that care from anyone

"Im with you Nandini, please don't cry" she whispers kissing my head

"Navya I'm sorry for crying on your special day" I mumble

"Oh shut up, don't ever apologize to me for anything well unless you take my heels and butcher them but I mean I wouldn't really care much" she says

"those cost you half a kidney" I mumble

"Eww that makes me sound so fucking weird" she says scrunching her face

"Hi my ladies" navya and I both chuckle at the voice

"Cabirrr you aren't supposed to see her yet" I say glaring at him

"I live wiht her dude, and she isn't going to change one bit"

"Navya he is being mean"I. Complain

"Cabir go, you can see me in the next couple hours"

"It's too long" he whines

I love how they love each other, it's so perfect. They are literally a true definition of forever

"Cabir you can't see her yet goo" I say jumping down from the ledge of the window where I was sitting

"Nandu please"

"Cabu no" I say walking to him

He wraps his arms around my shoulders as we walk outside the room

"Don't ever cry like that again, Nandini you are navya and i's first child, don't ever feel left out" he mumbles kissing my head

"I am 21 years old Cabir, I can't be your child" I chuckle

"You are, and im not joking Nandini. You are our first child, it doesn't matter what problems you have or what doubts, just anything, you come to us. If a boy others you, you tell me and I will knock him down"

I hug Cabir for a couple minutes, he is this older brother to me and it's true when im with navya and him, I feel like a child

"Go on and meet us at the alter, im going to get your bride ready" I say

"I love you nandini" he says making me smile

"I love you too cabir" he kissed my head walking back towards his room

"Soo miss navya lets get you ready" I mumble walking bak into the room

"Ahhh im getting married" she screams jumping around

"You are getting married navuuuu" I scream back

We both end up laughing laying on our backs for a bit before we both showered and I started helping her get ready, it was sorta surreal to be standing there and getting my best friend ready.

This marriage isn't easy, it took so much time to convince navya's parents because they hated cabir and no there wasn't a single to actually hate him, they jsut didn't know him and he wasn't working at the time so they thought he wouldn't be able to keep their daughter happy which is valid but stupid at the same time

It wasn't until cabir got a job at malhotra industries along with navya that her parents even let navya go home. It still wasn't easy, they literally insulted cabir when he went there and he stayed quiet obviously for navya but I am not the one to do that.

Lets jus say after a huge heated argument where I told them off respectfully, it was weird for a couple days and then they said yes, I mean they had to becasue I told them ill have them married no matter what so it was better for them to agree then deny

"Navya" her mother's voice pops inside the room as she walks closer

Rolling my eyes at her, I step away a little knowing she was about to create another scene

"Mom" navya says, I could hear her voice quivering a little

"Why are you wearing so much makeup?" Her mom asks making me roll my eyes

"Aunty it's her wedding day remember, not her honeymoon that she won't have makeup on" I mumble

"Shameless girl, this is why I haven't given you guys my blessings"

"Oh aunty don't be a fool to think we care"

"YOU SHAMELESS GIRL" she screams at me

"The shameless girl has a name, it's nandini. Please use it" hearing me she walks away

navya chuckles a little seeing me and I don't blame her. I am never very aggressive, oaky fine I am lying but I am only aggressive when needed

"Im sorry navya but I"

"You don't have to apologize at all, you mean far more to me than them. Sure they gave birth to me but they were never there but you were. Nandini you have seen all of me, shit faced and naked"

"Eww navya though I will say that tattoo looks great, im sure cabir enjoys it" she smacks my arm making me giggle

So second year of college navya got a tattoo under her boob of a couple butterflies and the way she decided to tell me was stripping naked in front of me when she was shit faced

"He does" she winks

"Stop it you shameless women, you are about ti get married"

"And? I fucked him like 5 hours ago, it's no big deal" she says


"Hahah go get ready"she says laughing

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