Chapter 6

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"I am not one to take anything to heart but you and I will probably spend a whole lot of time together because of Cabir and navya so I think we should be cordial and mutual instead of being at each other's throat" is suggest

"Just because I apologized doesn't mean I wanna be friends" he makes it clear

"I wasn't suggesting being friends, it was being cordial"

"If you can keep yourself in check then sure"

"The fuck does that mean? I didn't say anything to you. I literally was being so nice, I even offered you my skittles which by the way I never do with anyone, not even navya and Cabir so"

"Nandini this is my office, not a playground to be arguing about fucking skittles" he interrupts me

"Skittles are yummy" I argue

"Enough okay, get back to work now" he says like a teacher

"get back to work now" I mimic his voice as I was stepping out of his cabin

"NANDINI" he screams making me giggle

I literally bolted out of his cabin but that was the worst thing I could have done because my heels had a moment and the next I knew, I face planted the god damn floor

"Ahh crappp" I groan in pain

"Fucks sake" I hear his voice but the pain was shooting up my foot

"Shit shit shittt, fucks sake man" I could feel tears welling up in my eyes but I didn't wanna cry

Come on Nandini, this is nothing compared to the shit you went hrouhg this is absolutely nothing, I give myself a pep talk

"Stop it will you" Manik yells at m when I push him away

"Stop yelling at me, im in pain" I scream back, tears running down my cheeks

He just shook his head at me before I felt him picking me up, I couldn't help but grab his coat clutching it tight because there is no way I am going to be a cry baby in front of this creature

he placed me on the couch in his cabin and I swear it was taking everything in me not to shout in pain

"Ahh stop it" I scream smacking his hand away as he tries to take my heels off

he didn't pay attention to my scream because he tries to take them off again so I smacked his arm away and then again

"DO THAT ONE MORE FUCKING TIME, I DARE YOU" he wants grabbing my arm


I could see his jaw locking and is wear he will break his mandibular bone one day by doing that

"Shhh breath, just relax" his voice lowers down a little

"Manik" I whisepr trying to breath

"Don't" he says when I grab his arm stopping him from taking my heels off

"Please don't touch it"

"I have to see if you need to go to the doctor" he says

"Why? Your company pays for it?"

"Not the god damn time to be arguing with me and running that stupid mouth of yours but if you must know, yes we do pay for it" he replies

"No no, call navu for me, I need navu" I say

he sighs grabbing his phone and calling her

"Did she yell at you" navya asks as soon as she answers the phone

"Come up, she is crying like a little girl"


"You heard that right?" He asks

"Yeah, what happened?" She asks

"Navu" I whisper

"Nandini don't cry sweetie"

"just come up" Manik says

"Bring skittles" I yell

"God, fucking skittles, jsut shut up"

"Haven't you heard not to yell at injuried humans?" I ask gripping his hand tighter

"Will you shut the hell up?"

"No" I reply making him glare at me

"Shh nandini quiet, not a single word and leave my hand. I need to look at your foot"

i just shake my head tightening my hold on his hand as I try to breath through the sharp pain

"Nandini I need to look at it" he says

The door opens and navya and cabir walk inside, instantly i couldn't hold my tears in anymore and I think navya noticed it because she rushed over to me

"Babe whats going on?" She asks kissing my head

"Navu it hurts so bad, I don't know what happened" I cry as she wraps her arms around

"Oh I know what happened, she was running in her heels" Manik says

"See how mean he is, I am hurt and he is making fun of me" I whimper in her arms

"Relax he isn't being mean, let his hand go. He will see if your foot is okay" she whispers

"no no, it will hurt"

"It won't and don't make it do it forcefully" I hear Manik

"I will murder you in your sleep" I yell at him

"Nandini quiet" he warns, his eyes darting into mine

He has really pretty hazel brown eyes but he is so mean

"No please it was hurt manik"

"I told you it won't" he says

It didn't even take a single second before he moved my hand from his left hand holding it in his right hand. i was a bit surprised how he could have easily down that but he didn't whihc was kind of sweet

ahh fuckk, spoke too soon because this stupid idiot asked off my heel

"Manikkk" I scream

"Shhh quiet, it feels like I am yanking it off but I slid it off. Just breath" he mumbles

"Nandini you look like a wet rat" cabir says making me glare at him

"Are you shitting me right now? I am dying in pain and you are calling me a rat. Navya divorce this man"

"Right away" she says

"Good" I mumble

"Okay im sorry" he whispers kissing my head

"It hurts" I complain

"Maybe you shouldn't run in heels bigger than you" manik whispers

"See see this man"

"It's a sprain, she needs to see a doctor" he mumbles

"Oh fuck no I am not going to the doctor" I tell them all

"you need to, it's not minor, it seems major" he tells me sitting by my feet leaving my foot

"Well you think I also need to stay quiet but I don't so why would I listen now?" I ask

"Thats fuckign it" he mumbles getting up

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