Chapter 18

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Manik's pov

Fuck me!

I have lost the plot and I am in huge trouble.

Ever since Nandini and I sorted our differences and went to London, I swear I have not been able to function like I used to, instead I am losing my god damn head. I am losing every sense I shouldn't. I am losing the plot, I really am.

When we got back from London, I lied to her about being busy and having meetings, I am not proud of lying but it was the only thing that kept her and I away for the time being because every time I see her, I can't think straight and I end up doing the absolute opposite.

For example, when I almost kissed her when she held onto my shirt resting her chin on my chest trying to get back at me for teasing her. Oh and let's not even forget the time I told her exactly what I wanted to do to her right after she told me she would kill me.

I have never felt this for anymore, hell I thought I would never feel things ever because of my past but leave to this clumsy little 5 foot nothing girl making it happen for me without even putting in efforts.

I am so screwed!!!

The sexual tension between Nandini and I, oh and not to mention the agony I am in when I can't hold her. I swear I hated her guts until I realized she makes everything better.

She makes bland toast yummier, she makes my life a little easier, she makes me feel things I pushed away, she makes me want to tease her, she makes me want to life again, she makes me want to move on from my shitty past. Nandini makes my life worth living and I don't know what to say or how to mhm tell her

The last two days, I haven't gotten sleep because apparently my body just knows that nandini isn't around me so it refuses to sleep or function properly, so finally giving up I walked to her house.

I heard the tv as soon as I walked in her house so I knew she was in her room trying to sleep. She smiles brightly seeing me, almost like I had brought some kind of surprise for her

"Why aren't you a sleep?" I ask her

"Becasue you weren't here, I thought you were busy" she says making me feel guilty

I make my way to her bed and untie her canopy that is around her bed, I don't know why but when the bed is covered by those light curtains I feel like the rest of the world doesn't matter because it's just her and I.

"Mani you said you were busy" he mumbles again as I lay on her bed

The way she uses that nickname just makes me give all of me to her but I know, I know my anger, m past will prevent that but I can't pull away either.

Nandini is this magnetic field that I get pulled to

"I lied" I whisper

Her eyes soften almost becoming sad

"Was it because I am annoying and I don't give you space?" She asks fidgeting with her hands

"No" I reply

"Then?" Her head tilts like it always does when she doesn't understand my words

"Can I tell you everything on my mind?" I ask her

"Only if it doesn't have a description of another girls nudes" I chuckle hearing her

"No nudes I promise"

"Go ahead" she says laying on her stomach beside me

I sat up a little resting my back on the mountain of pillows she has

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