Chapter 3

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"Hey behave, go get to know each other" navya says

"What is this? A matchmaking thing" I ask

'Sure, now go" cabir say pushing manik and I ono the dance floor

"I am not"

'Neither am I, jsut pretend to make them happy" he says making me roll my eyes at his attitude

"Dude you are so fucking uptight" I mumble wrapping my arms around his biceps

"Don't fucking get me started" he growls a little wrapping his arm around my waist

My back tingles a bit feeling the warmth of his palm on my back

"It was a small stupid bet, seriously calm down manik" I whisper as we sway a bit forcefully

"I dont' give a shit if it was a bet, you don't fucking touch me like that again, do you understand?" He wasn't asking, he was being rude

"Listen im sorry for kissing your cheek but it"


His voice sends shivers down my spine, almost like I was in a flight or fight response

"Im sorry" I whisper not meeting his eyes anymore

I am never submissive with people, nor am I one to take anyone's orders but his voice, his aura just makes me stop adn rethink all my decision

It wasn't that I was scared of him because for some reason I knew he wouldn't hurt me but it was weird. The song ends and I felt this little push making me stumble a bit. By the time I realized that manik was the one who pushed me a bit so he could leave, he was already gone.

I look over and navya and cabir to see them still swaying so I grabbed some really cold ice water sitting down in a corner  just watching people on the floor swaying and loving on each other, it was so cute.

The bouquet toss happened and of course I caught it though there was no chance of me getting married, I still caught it making cabir and navya smile teasing me. The two bid their bye's and drove away to their new house which was ride beside mine.

I packed up stuff from the hotel room and everything before I headed to my house as well. My house has 3 bedrooms, two and a half baths, a living room and obviously a kitchen but you know what the best thing about my house is, the small mini fridge ahahaha.

Last year I had gotten really sick around this time and so after I recovered I got a mini fridge because I didn't wanna get up and walk down to the kitchen for food and water, its honestly a life saver

The rest of the night I just read, I absolutely love reading, it doesn't have to be novels, magazines, recipes, anything actually but especially novels. Some of my favourite genre are dark romance, romance, hockey romance, more romance, jsut romance haha

The next day I get a message from navya reminding me of the little get together party right next door aka at her house making me groan, I am not a party human, I am more of a Netflix and eat human because apparently in today's day and age, Netflix and chill means sex like what?

when the evening rolled around I dressed up in a black shinny glittery dress that reached my mid thigh right above my knees, there was a plunging neckline which made my boobs look a bit bigger because your girl is not blessed in that department or the ass department as a matter of fact

I had bought some wine and flowers earlier today so I grabbed those and put on my slippers, yes I put on chapals because I knew id walk barefoot in their house anyways and heels are uncomfortable

I didn't even bother ringing the doorbell, I just punched int he code and opened the door. Kicking my chapals off I walk inside

"I dont' wanna see yall smacking on each other" I yell annoying my presence

"Quit screaming" I could feel my eyes to the back of my head hearing mr idiot's voice

"And hello to you too devil" I mumble walking to the kitchen

There he was, his back towards the door of the opening of the kitchen and his front to the counter

I place the wine and flowers down and look around to see what he was doing

"Get out" her murks

"fuck you dude, I am not even saying anything" I was already annoyed

He turns around glaring me down like I stole his peace of pie like what?

"What did you say?" He asks

"Should I repeat it or just paraphrase" I ask being confused

"Get the fuck out of the kitchen" he says

"What if I don't?" I challenge

"Then I will make you and trust me, not a good sight at all"

"Don't challenge me" I mumble though I was a bit scared

He is so tall and though it never crossed my mind yesterday, but the way he was stepping closer to me right now reminded me of someone in my past.

"Are you dumb?" He asks tapping the side of my head

"No but you are"

"Little girl don't make me bring out that side of me, get the hell out of the kitchen right now" he says, his eyes darken with anger, his nostrils flair a bit

"I wasn't even being mean, I jsut wanted to know what was going on?" I whisper

"Why do you need to push your fucking nose in my business huh?"

"I just"

"You did it yesterday and I didn't say anything because it was their day but if you do it today I will not step back" he says

His voice was so monotone that it was scary, his aura is so big and bulky in a way that intimidated me a lot, almost scared me

"I am sorry" I apologize for the second time int he past 24 hours, not like me at all but those memories and those disgusting things came to mind

His hand grips my arm and I immediately felt like I was draining blood, I felt pale

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