Chapter 10

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Nandini's pov

It was around 3 in the morning when my ankle started throbbing in pain again, cabir and navya left a few hours ago after me forcing them too, here is the thing, the two are leaving at 5 in the morning for their honeymoon.

They did say they wouldn't and that they could postpone it but I am not going to let them suffer because of me, so I kinda downplayed the pain, more like told them it wasn't hurting at all even though it really was.

Even though I was watching Lucifer, my mind wasn't really focused on the show, i was thinking about manik and how nice he was to me even though he did tape my arms but he was right there all the way till home and he waited till I fell a sleep.

I am not sure when he left and came back but he was changed into sweats so I knew he did come back from his house. To me, his gestures were so sweet and nice.

I found myself grabbing my phone remembering him telling me he put his number in my phone so I look in my contacts and there it was, he saved it as 'MANIK', I giggle changing it to monster manik.

Instead of texting him, I decided to call, the phone rings a few times and then a few more before he finally picks it up

"What?" He answers

"Would it kill you to say hi"

"Nandini what is it?" He asks

i hear a few sounds in the background

"Manik are you with someone?" I ask

"The tv is one, what do you need?" He asks

"Would you come over please?" I ask in the nicest way possible,

he doesn't say anything, but the line beeps letting me know he cut the call so I'm assuming he was annoyed at me, but then again anger and annoyance is his middle name.

I was actually kind of hungry, starving so I moved the blanket and stood up on my other foot holding the edge of my bed, which is honestly my favourite thing in my room well I lied, I love my bookshelf but yeah.

When I was younger I wanted drapes and curtains in my room so when I moved into this house I bought this canopy bed, you know the ones with curtains so it looks like a rota highness sort of thing. It's so beautiful.

I limped to the kitchen in pain, it genuinely hurt so bad but I was starving. Getting to the kitchen I stood for a minute just holding the edge of the counter because the pain was beyond a 10 now.

My head snaps towards the opening of the kitchen because my main door opened, the door knob rattled a little before it was shut again. My heart stars racing as I think of Manik's words about someone breaking in and how stupid I am with the code.

steps of whoever it was fade a little towards my room but before I could even think anything steps were coming closer to the kitchen and there is no where to hide in this kitchen nor do I have something to protect myself but I grabbed a couple oranges off the counter that I was debating on eating

"Ahhhhhh" I scream seeing a figure throwing the oranges

"If I was a kidnapper, id kill you for trying to hurt me with fucking oranges Nandini. Seriously?" The voice, it was Manik

I open my eyes and see him walking in the kitchen, I didn't even think twice before limping closer to him wrapping my arms around his torso hugging him

"Fuck you scared the shit of me manik" I whisper

"No one knows your code Nandini"

"But you said that anyone can guess it" I tell him trying to calm down

"Did I say you could hug me?" He asks bringing awareness to what I was actually doing.

i pull back from him holding onto the island counter.

"Sorry, I was just scared"

'Why the hell are you out of bed?" He asks placing the oranges back

"I was starving" I whisper

"Why wouldn't you ask navya or Cabir to put something beside your bed for you before they left?" He asks

"Didn't think of it, gosh why wouldn't you jsut tell me you are coming over, I almost killed you" I ramble still trying to stabilize my breathing g

"Darling, if you think you could have killed me with oranges, I'm sorry to burst your bubble because it's impossible" he mumbles

A smile forms on my lips

"Darling huh? You are starting to like me aren't ya?" I tease

"Quit it" he says opening my fridge


"You need to learn to follow orders"

"Do I look like a dog to you?" I ask

He smirks turning around but not a singe word leaves his mouth

"Fuck you" I yell

"Shh quiet, I don't wanna hear you whining, sit your ass down and not a single word, understand?" he says

"You know what"

"I said quiet nadnini" he warns

"No but why is it that ahhh manik oh my goddd" I scream when he picks me up placing me on the kitchen island

"Now shut that pretty little mouth" he orders

My stomach tingles a little hearing him say it like that or maybe it was the way his eyes lingered on my face a bit longer. honestly this was such a step up from three weeks ago when we were fighting like animals

"Are you allergic to anything?" He asks

"No" I whisepr

"How hungry are you?"

"Snack hungry" I mumble

"Toast sound good?"

"Yes please, mhm manik"

"I said no whining"

"Im not, I wanna ask something" I say looking at his back

"What is it?"

"Can I still come to the office?" I ask him

"No, Cabir has given strict orders not to let in there until he is back"

"What? No that's like a whole month"

"Should've thought about it before you ran away like a little chick in your heels" he taunts, this man was really testing my patience

"You know if you weren't making me food, id kick you out" I tell him

"Try it, see what happens?" He challenges and I am not one to take that challenge especially right now

"You will hit me?" I ask as some memories re surface

"I don't raise my hands on women" his voice is so weird

I have never met anyone whose voice changes with the intensity or the sentence of their words. When manik is angry, his voice is heavy and hoarse but when he was apologizing to me his voice was low and softer. Right now when he teased me a little, his voice was playful and now back to that serious voice

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