Chapter 66

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As I reach the little set up, I could hear cabir's car a little while alter so I knew they were here and hearing nandini's questions as soon as she stepped out of the car was enough to let me know how anxious she was

My phone rings and I pick up to hear cabir

"Yes cabir"

"Should I send her in?"

"Yes please do"

"Ahh Nandini stop yanking me" he screams causing her to laugh as the phone disconnects

As she steps through the lights start flickering on, every step she took caused lights to turn on making it easier for me to see her silhouette coming closer to me. I could hear her gasping as the lights turn on

"Manik" she calls

"Im here darling, just keep stepping forward"

"Im scared" she whispers making me smile

"Don't be scared, I'm right here"

A few seconds later she comes into full view as the last light flicks on. To say my jaw dropped would be an understatement because she looks so stunning.

I had seen this beautiful lilac gown at the mall and I knew she would look perfect in it but gosh she looks beyond beautiful, it's like a fairy stepped foot on earth.

"Mani" she whispers

I smile holding her hand as I bring her to the heart shape stepping inside, she steps in as well looking around trying to see what was going on

"This is so beautiful" she whispers

"Sure but you my love are stealing all the lime light. You are gorgeous baby, so perfectly beautiful" I whisper kissing her hand

She giggles looking at me, her eyes roaming up and down until she giggles moving her hands out of my hold reaching up to fix my tie. It's not that I don't know how to wear one but ever since she stepped in my life, I don't bother fixing it because she loves to do it for me

"What's going on mani?" She asks

i smile holding her hands kissing her head

"You remember me walking into that room on Cabir and navya's wedding?" I ask her

"yes hehe how can I forget mr grumpy monster" she giggles remembering

"I wasn't really looking around but when I stepped in there, you stepped forward with a smirk, immediately I knew you were up to something and when your lips met my cheeks, I was pissed off, not because I minded the kiss but I jus assumed you were trying to hit on me. The dance at their wedding, I remember how easily my arms wrapped around your body and how comfortable I was even though I hated that you were bold enough to kiss me. The next day at the reception gathering I was angry at my mom but it came out on you and even though I knew I had done the wrong thing, my ego was big enough to not come and apologize until I really sat and thought about it" she giggles

"You do have a big ego but you can back it up with your big you know" my eyes widen a little at her words

"You are so naughty sometimes" I whisper

"Hhehe only for you" smiling I inch closer

"After I apologized, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest, I felt happy for the first time in a long time but that went down to dirt the second you fell. Your tears, your cry when you fell really got to me, to my heart but of course I just shrugged it off. When you told me you'd take my lung if the doctor took yours it was really hard not to laugh. Taking care of you for a whole month was so peaceful for me because I was getting to spend a lot of time with you but I messed it up again. Nandini every minute I spent with you thus far has been so special, the waterfall, our first kiss, our first car ride, our first ice cream date, our first night out, our first sleepover, our first time, Nandini everything is so special to me. I have never felt this way about anything and not even the company. You are that one person I would get down on my knees for, I would beg for you and I would look death int he eye before it could get to you. You have opened my eyes, and my life to a lot of things, all good things. You gave me my music back, you gave me happiness, you made it so that I enjoy every minute of my life instead of resenting it. You have filled my black and white life with colour and you continue to make me happy. This past year with you has been the best year of my life Nandini and I know I can't spend a single moment without you. My life is lifeless without you because you are my life little firefly, you are a symbol of love, I don't wanna spend even a single second without you. I want to wake up to your pouty lips and those beautiful eyes, I wanna be able to look at the cute smile you get when you see me first thing in the morning Nandini. I don't wanna spend any more time apart, I don't want your house or my house, I want ours" I bend down on my knee holding her hand

"Manik" she gasps as tears run down her cheeks

"Nandini I come with a lot of flaws yet you seem to overlook them all and help me be a better person. Your monster is learning to become better with his anger and that monster is getting better with resting bitch faces"

she laughs with tears hearing me

"My life is yours, my hearts is yours, this smile on my face is only because of you and my happiness is yours. Though I may not be the best person for you, I do know you will never find anyone who will love you like I do and I know no one can love me like you do. NANDINI WILL YOU MARRY ME?" I ask getting the box from my pocket opening it

"OH MY GOSH" she gasps

i look up at her in her eyes

"My knees hurt baby" I whisepr

"Oh yes yes oh my gosh yes, sorry no I mean yes, yes I will marry you" she rambles on

"Yes or no?" I ask

"YES MANIK, I WILL MARRY YOU" I grin hearing her

Taking the ring out of the box I slide it in her ring finger.

I got up picking her up as I twirl her around in the air, I have never been so happy and nervous at the same time. Her giggles echo the place making me smile

"I love you so much" I whisper placing her on her feet

"I love you more" she says kissing my lips

"Humans coming" cabir screamed

Nandini giggles hugging me, she was so happy and gosh so was I.

"congratulations sweetie" cabir says hugging Nandini while navy hugs me

"Good job dude, I hope we didn't interrupt the makeout sesh" cabir says hugging me

"You are so annoying sometimes but thank you for helping and for flying in"

"Shut up, I am glad you got the balls to do this but just so you know if you hurt her I will hurt you"

"You do that" I mumble laughing

A little while later they both left and Nandini laughs hugging me

"I can't believe this" she whispers still shaking a little

"Neither can I, I love you"

"Me more" she mumbles

I picks her up carrying her to the couch siting with her in my arms

"It's so beautiful" she whispers looking at the ring

"You like it?" I ask

"Love it, mani this is so big" she stammers a little

"No it's not that big, I am glad you like it. It looks so pretty on you, just like I had imagined" I whisper kissing her head

"Mani I, I don't know how to even tell you how I feel, it feels so surreal and almost mhm like it's a dream" she whispers

"It's real, all of it is. I can't wait to spend forever with you Nandini, forever is what we have together" I mumble kissing her head

She turns her head towards me, a smile on her face as she leans into a kiss. Her lips move in sync with mine, I couldn't' help but smile against her lips. I pull back bitting her lips, my forehead rested against hers as we caught on our breath

From the corner of my eyes I noticed some lights so I look up and a grin forms on my lips

"Baby look" I whisper

She opens her eyes looking in the direction I was pointing in, the widest smile covers her face as she looks over

"Fireflies" she whispers leaning on me

"My little firefly" I whisper kissing her cheeks

"You know manik our love, it's eternal"

"It is my love" I whisper

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