Chapter 21

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My phone beeps showing a text from manik asking to come out so I grab my bag and walked outside to see my charming human leaning on his car

"You are cute" he says making me smile

He grabs my bags putting them in the trunk, he then opens the door for me like always, he is so sweet. As I buckle up I noticed a couple bags of skittles siting in the console making me smile wider

"What's your favourite colour?" I ask him sitting comfortably


"I think black and red" I say

"Correct and yours is lavender" he says making me giggle

"Is it because you saw my room?" I ask knowing my whole room is lavender themed

"Yes ma'am, Nandini can I ask you something serious?"


"You are only 21 and that very young but do you think you are ready to settle down and no I don't mean marriage, I mean just settled with one person" he asks

"Honestly until now I just never thought love or settling down was something I would ever get but now I know the I can, I can settle down" I let him know

"What changed?"

"You" I reply

"Nandini darling, I am being really honest with you and I want to know from you because I am 25 and I am financially stable, I have good career, I have everything I suppose and I am ready to settle down but you are only 21"

"Yes I am younger but I have a job and a house. Money isn't an issue for me either, when I know I have found the one which I may have then I am ready to settle down but by all means I am not ready for kids or anything of that sort but that commitment, yes I can give that commitment and loyalty for sure"

He hums nodding.

It is true, I think I may have found that person who I can live with forever but I don't wanna make it bluntly known yet because we have only known each other for about 5 to 6 months and about half of those months we were at each other's throats

The rest of the way to the office, manik was a bit silent and I didn't ask anything because he does have a couple meetings.

"Here take this blanket, you can lay down on the couch" he says when we get to the office

"No im good, lets go" I say

"You sure, it might be cold in there?"

"Its okay" he nods

We got up to his cabin and his first meeting begins, I wasn't sure why but I was starting at him the entire time, I think it's the fact that I know he isn't happy right now, he is thinking something especially after the conversation we had

"Perfect, deal with that situation let me know if you need my approval for anything" he says before he shuts the meeting down

"Manik" I whisper

"Yes" he says

"when is your next meeting?"

"In 20 minutes" he says, I nod at him

Moving the cushions from around me to the side of the couch I got up and walked over to him. I moved his arm from the chair arm rest and sat in his lap

"You said that we would talk over everything" I mumble

"I did"

"Then why are you upset and not telling me whats going on?"

"It's nothing major"

"But there is something so talk to me, tell me whats going on and we can solve it"

"Nandini my feeling for you are so fucking strong, they are stronger than anything I have felt and your feelings they are more powerful than my anger but thats what fears me" I hum leaning my head onto his

"You know how bad my anger is, there are times I can't control it and I don't want to ever hurt you with my anger. I have done it twice and I don't want to ever again, I know my words affect you just as much as yours do mine. Nandini you are so young and when I think about this, when I think about you, me and the future I sometimes wonder if you'd say with a man like me. If you'd want to love someone who carries a whole past on his back"

"I am going to stop you right there, yes I am young but that doesn't matter to me. I could be in love with a 25 year old or a 35 year old. For me I need to know if that person can pick up on my emotions and just me. I need a lot of assurance and a lot of words of affirmation in a relationship. I need that physical touch, that burning touch that can calm me down when I wake up after a nightmare. Manik you have this anger but so do I, the only difference is you lash out and I keep it in, both are bad in their own place. You aren't the only one with a past, mani my past is just as bad"

He sighs leaning his face on me, his arms now wrap around me resting on the side of my hip

"I just don't want hurt you Nandini"

"You won't, trust me I see the way you look at me and I know you won't hurt me"

"What if I do?' He asks

"Manik why are we talking about this? I mean would you really hurt me?"


"Then why are you thinking about this?"

"im not sure" he says

I leaned closer and kissed his cheeks

"Don't think from your head, think front here" I whisper taping his chest over his heart

"I don't even know if that heart is there"

"It is, just a sheet of anger and past covers it but I've got you big boy, I can uncover it" I tell him making him smile


"Manik we both have demons of our own but us together, we can slay those demons"

"Fuck" he groans wrapping his arms around me pulling me in a hug

"You only told me that we will work through everything so we will. Manik I haven't felt this for anyone else either, I promise you I didn't ever feel this so yes I am on the same page" he nods

"It wasn't that I didn't think we could work through things, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and all these things came rushing back"

"And thats' totally okay, we talked and now we are back on the same page so it is all good"

"Will you stay in my arms while I attend my next two meetings?" He asks

I chuckle hearing him

"Won't that look weird"

'They are Audio calls"

"Then I will" I whisper getting comfortable in his arms

My head on his shoulder and my legs were over the other side of the chair

"Have I ever mentioned how chubby your cheeks are?" He ask caressing my cheeks with the pad of his thumb while the rest of his hand curls behind my neck

"Is that a good thing?" I ask

"Yes, I love it"

I giggle when he places kisses all over my face

"Mani hehe you left one place" I say

"Really? Where?" He asks looking in my eyes

"My lips" I felt bold so I said it

"You want my lips on yours?" He asks

"Don't you?"

"I do, wasn't sure you'd want that?"

Before I could say anything his laptop beeps a little

"Meeting?" I ask

"Yes, shh okay" he says

I nod kissing his cheeks closing my eyes as I play with the buttons on his shirt

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