Chapter 24

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"Are you tired? Or just prolonging going in"

'He second one" he says

"Come on, lets go" I mumble

"No, stay"

"Mani come on, the faster we go in the faster we go home" I tell him

"I guess" he says

He got out of the car and I opened my door grabbing my heels

"Manik what are you doing?" I whisper when he knees down and grabs my heels

"Shh, I told you no heels but you are so stubborn sometimes" he says putting my heels on for me so I wouldn't have to bend down to do the straps

"You are so tall, I have to wear them" I whisper

"No you don't, you know you could barely walk for a month"

"Mani its okay, thank you for doing up the straps" I whisper getting up

"You okay right? Your foot doesn't hurt or anything? I can get a flat pair arranged if you want"

"You worry too much, im okay. Tell me how I look?" I ask giving him a twirl holding his hand

"You look gorgeous, I do wanna go home though because I know others will hit on what's mine"

'Whats yours?" I tease

"You are teasing me darling"

I giggle at him, he is so cute and I know if I told him that he would frown because of course he is hot and handsome but not cute since it sounds girly hahaha. his hand reaches down caressing mine as he holds my hand into his

"Ready?" He asks

"Oh yeah, im hungry" I tell him

"Im sorry, why didn't you tell me, I would have stopped somewhere before we came here"

"Relax monster, im not starving plus I did have ice cream before right"

"Next time you get hungry, you have to tell me okay" he says as we walk towards the entrance

"I will, mani losen up" I say feeling him so rigid

"If I see her I am going to throw a fit" I laugh hearing him

He looks down into my eyes and chuckles as well, he looks around the party and pushes me into a corner

"You are beautiful" he says pecking my lips making me gasp

"Mani there are cameras around"

"As if I would care"

"I don't either but Cabir and navya might see if a picture is taken so control please"

"Godd" he grumbles pecking my lips again

"Manik" he chuckles pecking my lips one more time

"Mani stop it, you are jus getting my gloss everywhere, im starting to think you like it" I mumble wiping his lips again for like the 10h time

"No, I just like kissing you" he says

"Stop, focus on clients and party okay, later" I say placing my hand on his chest

He frowns a little making me, I pecked his lips and nudged his nose against mine

"Come on" I say pulling on his arm

"Gosh, you are so beautiful, I don't even know how I am lucky enough to have you and call you mine" he whispers as we smile at some people

"Mani focus" I say

He snakes his arm around my waist placing it on my lower back guiding me to walk to the snack place making me smile

"Mr Malhotra" we hear a noice

Manik and I both turned around.

"Hi Mr Meheta, how are you?" Manik says

"Good, the party is amazing"

"It sure is"

"Who is this beautiful girl in your arms? Girlfriend?" He asks making manik chuckle

"Far more special" manik whispers

My heart does a summersault

"This is nandini, and nandini this is MR meheta, we do a lot of deals together, mostlyy book stuff" he explains which honestly he didn't have to but he did which was sweet

I mumble a soft hello shaking his hand and just stood there listening to manik and him talking, not even for a second did manik make me feel left out, his hand was continuously caressing my lower back and he would ask for my input on book stuff knowing I am interested

"Mani go on, I will just be by the book table" I whisper seeing him getting distracted by me

his head turns to me and he shakes his head

"No, im sorry. Do you feel left out? We can go grab some drinks?"

"This is business monster, come on focus. I will be sitting over there wiht a book. Once you finish you come over to me okay" I ask

He steps aside wiht me for a second

"No I don't wanna leave you alone, I will come wiht" I smile hearing him

"Im not going to Japan, im literally a couple feet away" I whisper kissing his cheeks


"mani come on focus" he groans a little before nodding

"Text me without a single thought okay" I nodded at him

He half heartedly left my hand and I walk over to the book table, I collected a couple dark romances that stood out to me and grabbed a coke sitting down on a couch where manik was in my field of vision

I don't what it is but if a book is dedicated to all the good girls in the streets and freaks in the sheets i need to have them, they are so weird yet I like them.

from the corner of my eye I could see someone standing in from of me so look up to find a lady sanding there. I place my book beside me and smile at her

"Hi" I mumble

"Nandini right?" she asks

"Yes, mhm im sorry I don't recognize you, do I know you from somewhere?" I ask

"No, you don't but I know you" she says sitting beside me and I didn't like it

"How?" I ask

"You are Manik's little pet aren't ya?" She asks with the dirtiest look

Her words remind me of that horrible man who tortured me for months.

"Excuse me?"

"Manik's slut, flavour of the month, his whore, you know they all mean the same exact thing" she smirks

"Okay whoever you are, don't call me names and if you must know go ahead and ask manik" I say

"You see my son isn't the easiest to talk to" she says grabbing my glass

Shit, thats why some of her features seemed familiar, she is his mom

"Then I don't think you should come up and ask me" I reply

"He taught you well didn't he?" She asks

"Im not a pet he can teach anything to and you seem to have some vengeance but let me tell you mrs malhotra, I am not interested" I whisper

"Doesn't matter, the thing that maters is you aren't good for my son"

"I think your son is beyond capable of chosing who is right and wrong for him" I mumble

"If he was, he wouldn't chose you"

Before I could reply manik walks over which I was so glad about

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