Chapter 59

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"Manik stop please, you need to breath"

"I will breath after he is in a god damn grave"

Not finding another solution I push him a little making him sit, he glares at me as I grab his chin placing my lips on his, he takes a huge breath as I pull back

I wipe the blood off his nose placing the handkerchief on his nose for a couple minutes until it stopped bleeding.

"Now shut up and drink this water" I said before walking back into the party

I spotted cabir and navya talking so I quickly walked over to them, instantly they knew something was wrong as soon as I opened my mouth

"What happened?" Navya asks

"Well nyonika made it seem like Manik and some soha were kissing and then aryan came over and he showed us a video of him and I having sex which is false because that's not me, he edited it and then nyonika threatened Manik about his company so I need you to walk with me and knock some sense into him" I blurt out the whole story in a few words

"This bitch"

"Cabir don't swear there is a baby on board" I say

"Im sorry" he whispers caressing navya's stomach

They both walk with me to the very back where there was a small lounge by the bathrooms where I left Manik. He sat there with his head down and immediately I knew he did something stupid because we was cursing at nothing

"Manik, what did you do?" I ask

"You should be happy it was a fucking wall and not his fucking face" he growls

"Stop it, thats enough"

"Enough? Nandini I am not kidding with you right now and this isn't a movie, I swear to god I will kill him"

"And I'm not doubting you but this is absurd for you to get so worked up over nothing"

"Nandini sweetie, it's not nothing" navya says

"Thank you navya because apparently she thinks it's no big deal" he taunts

I just shake my head at how angry he was, sure I am pissed too but I know all the things they have aren't true so there is no way anything could happen that would be bad for us

Cabir's phone rings and instantly his mood is off seeing the caller ID

"yes" he says on the phone

"Dude we are fucked" the person on the other end says

Shit, I do not like the sounds of it

"What's wrong?" He asks

"Well mrs malhotra just sent over papers where manik signed giving his part of the company to her"


"Manik enough, one more word and I'm not speaking to you so shut it" I glare at him causing him to mumble a whole bunch of things but not out loud

"Okay okay mhm do not process them until we are there" cabir says

"Thats against policy cabir you know this"

"I know arsh but you can't process them, thats 50% of our company going to someone who has vengeance against us" cabir says

"I know but how would I even stop it, it'll take about 8 hours for you guys to be back and that means mid afternoon here"

"wait" I mumble grabbing the phone

"Hey it's Nandini, you don't know me but"

'I know you nandini, you are the only one who can calm down manik so yes I know you" he chuckles

"Hehe thats funny okay I have an idea, tell me if legally and professionally you can go ahead with it"

"okay hit me"

"The papers, you do have to process them but is there a time frame that it usually takes for these papers to be officially in the system?"

"About 3 to 6 hours but only if we are having problems"

"Perfect, okay those papers, are you able to send over those papers to me just digitally"

"yeah, hold on" he says

"He looks scary" cabir whispers looking at manik who was sitting there with his jaw locked, his hands in fists, his knuckles were bright red

"Doesn't he? He looks like he is in a gang" I mumble

"Mafia" navya giggles making me laugh

"You guys are so fucking stupid, why all the laughing? Is this funny to you?" Manik scowls

"Not really but it's better than punching things" navya mumble

"FUCK THIS" he screams getting up

"Manik if you walk out right now and end up doing something stupid, im not going to"

"Yes talk to me, I know. Thanks for blackmailing me" he groans

"it's not blackmail, it's called trying to diffuse the situation instead of aggravating it"

"It seems like you don't care that he is about to put a video of you out on the internet and she wasn't wrong when she said it would all over pages"

"So you do believe it's me?" I ask

He doesn't say anything but that was enough to set me off

"Cabir I will bring your phone back in a minute once I figure this out with arsh, mhm just meet me back in the hotel" I say

"No, where the hell do you think you are going?" Manik asks

"You are pissing me off right now and as calm as I am trying to be, it isn't possible in your presence because you believe your mother and that asshole when I am telling you thats not me and even if it is fuck it, I don't care anymore" I tell him

Apparently that worked to calm him down because he grabs my arm sitting down trying to take deep breaths

"Im sorry, I am just worked up. I can't think straight right now" he whispers

"I know so don't say anything that you will regret later" he nods resting his face on my stomach holding the back of my thighs

"He is such a child" cabir says

I chuckle a bit at his words

"Just because I love her doesn't mean I love you, I will break your jaw cabir"

"Please do at least I will feel your touch" cabir jokes making navya and I shake our heads

"Shut up"

"Aww baby don't be angry" cabir mumbled coming closer and kissing Manik's head

"Ahh get away from me" manik yells

"Stop it manik" I whisper

"Yeah, you only scold me but not him. He is the one irritating me"

"cabir" I fake scold

He chuckles sitting down beside navya rubbing her back as she leans onto him

"Relax it's okay" I whisper caressing manik's hair

"It isn't though"

"Mani it's fine, I promise you it'll be okay"

"Oh I know that, I trust you nandini but the way she tangled everything up is so annoying"

"It's okay just relax, breath and unlock your jaw, relax it a bit" I whisper kissing his head

He sighs really loud against my stomach

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