Chapter 52

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Manik's pov

Who knew that a little girl would fill my black and white life with so many vibrant colours, all the colours I didn't even think of were now in my wardrobe and my life haha. No, I'm very serious, ever since nandini and I started dating, this girl will get me clothes that are colourful, she has put colourful things in the house as well

Everything I was missing is completed by her, things I didn't even know were missing are complete and content. She fills my life with happiness and all the wonderful things.

"She's a sleep" cabir says making me look beside me

My sweet little angel was sleeping, a skittle in her right hand, the pack of skittles in her left hand. Her head on my right arm, her legs over mine.

"She is exhausted" I whisper caressing her hair

"She was running around a lot today" he says

This morning Nandini and I were packing for the gala because it isn't in India, it's actually in UK so we were taking a flight in the evening. As usual she was stressing out about how she is going to pack everything despite the fact that I told her everything is fine and I will help

"She didn't sleep much last night either" navya says letting me know

I frown at the information. She had actually went over to navya's for a sleepover because cabir and I were working on business stuff last night. We wanted everything to be done and ddealt with before we left

"Why not?" I ask

"Not sure, she just turned and stirred the whole night, when I asked, she just apologized and stayed still but I know she didn't sleep at all" navya says

"And when I went back in the morning she looked really drained" cabir says

I didn't notice any of it because she went home this morning from navya and Cabir's house and went straight into getting packed. Her voice did sound weird when she was on the phone with me but she just said it was cause she had just woken up

"Did you ask about it?" I ask him

"No, she just smiled and denied" he says

I shake my head a little.

i grabbed the skittle pack from her hand putting it in the little net compartment of the seat, yes we were up in the air right now flying to UK. As soon as I grab the single skittle in her hand she jumps up


"Shh it's okay" I whisper grabbing it out of her hand placing it in the pack

she takes a huge breath wiping her hands on my t shirt, she looks around and see navya and cabir looking at us already

"hi" she mumbles so cutely

they both smile getting up and kissing her head. She smiles at them gently but doesn't say anything

"Sleep time" I tell her

she hums holding me, she was acting really weird.

"is everything okay baby?" I ask caressing her hair

"Yes" she says

i sigh a little picking her up laying her in my arms

"What's going on? You don't look okay" I ask kissing her nose

"I don't feel good" she says

"What's wrong" I asked running my fingers through her tangled hair

She doesn't say anything but slowly falls a sleep as I continue to caress her hair but she doesn't sleep for long, not even half an hour before she wakes up and starts twisting and turning in my arms

"Why is she fidgeting so much?" Navya asks rubbing her back as she sits beside me in nandini's spot

"I don't know" I reply continuing to rub her back

"Nandu" navya says but she doesn't reply

"Nandu sweetie whats wrong" cabir asks this time, she shakes her head in my chest not saying anything

The entire flight to UK, nandini was turning left and right, her mood had dropped so much to the point where she was getting very pissed off with absolutely nothing. I mean she didn't say anything but I could tell.

Once we landed, we headed straight to the hotel room and nandini grabbed a t shirt of mine and some shorts form her hand bag going to change as soon as we step in

"Is she okay now?' cabir asks coming in the room since we had a connected door between both our rooms

"No, she went to change" I say getting into comfy clothes in the closet

"She better?" I hear navya

"Nope" cabir replied

I sat on the bed beside navya and cabir waiting for nandini.

"Did something happened last night?" I ask

"No, we had brownies and were talking, she was completely fine"

Thats so weird, what is going on in her head?

My head tilts up when she comes out of the bathroom, she looks at all of us and walks to my side taking small steps. seeing me open my arms she falls in my arms holding onto my t shirt.

"Whats going on my love? Whats wrong?" I ask kissing her head

"I don't feel good" she says

"Okay describe to me whats happening?" My hand rubs soothing circles on her back

"I didn't even sleep, I wanted ice cream but it was gone, I ate it all so I didn't get any this morning. It was bad bad nightmare and you weren't even there beside me. I got so scared Manik, I looked around but you weren't there" she cries in my chest

"Why didn't you call me sweet girl?"

"I didn't want to disturb you, navya was sleeping. I felt so bad, I thought he was there" she cried a little louder in my neck

"No one is there, you know I would never let him or anyone else near you, right baby?"

"I know but I promise I saw him, I did. He was there" she cries

That isn't possible, I have been keeping tabs on aryan ever since she told me about him. He wasn't even in the country the last time I got an update. He was in Germany for some business, I hadn't heard anything after but how can he be here?

"Nandini he wasn't there, maybe it was the nightmare" navya said

"No no he was there, I swear he was there. He was there" she kept repeating

"Okay okay, breath"

"Manik I I swear he was there"

"Okay I will have it looked into okay, just relax, breath my love" I whisper kissing her head

"I don't want him to hurt me, it hurt bad, I"

"He won't, I promise you he will not. You trust me right" I ask

"I do" she replies

"Then trust me, he won't hurt you" I say

"I didn't even get ice cream" she cries making me smile

"Lets get you some" I say

she shakes her head crying

"Whats wrong baby love?" i ask getting worried

I hate seeing her cry, it literally makes my heart drop in all the bad ways when I hear her cry

"I don't know" she replies so innocently shaking her head in my neck

"I just feel like crying" she says looking up in my eyes

"Shh no crying, that's enough okay. No more" I say seeing her droopy eyes

she was just exhausted, tired and she needed some sleep, that's basically why she was getting so hyper and starting to cry

"it's not my fault, they are falling without my permission' she says so cutely

I couldn't' help but lean down and peck her lips a few times

"SHAMELESS HUMAN" cabir yells making nandini giggle finally

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