Chapter 51

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"Can I tell you something" he asks

"Of course"

"Mhm the other day I was thinking about something, I mhm I hope in the future when you and I have little babies, they get these cheeks" he says making me smile

"You haven't even put a ring on it mr malhotra, already thinking about kids huh?"

"Yeah, it's bad isn't it" I just giggle shaking my head

the doorbell rings and I look at Manik, my eyes going wide

"relax baby girl" he whispers kissing my lips before he gets up

I quickly sit up fixing my clothes, a pillow in my lap looking at the door

"You literally look like you rolled out of bed and you fix your hair, it's a nest. If cabir sees it like this he will know ya'll did the nasty. manik get that stupid grin off your face" navya yells coming in

"We didn't even do anything, I was just laying down" I say fixing my hair

"Yeah, naked and on him"

"Actually I was on her navya" manik says making me glare at him

"Yeah? I don't god damn need to know how good it was"

"You sure? I can tell you how good"

"MANIKKK" I scream at him causing him and navya to burst out laughing

"Is he annoying you?" Cabir asks coming in

"Yes very much" I say nodding

"Manik quit it" Cabir says sitting beside me

He handed me a small pack of skittles making me giggle, I lena my head on his shoulder opening the pack

Manik comes and sits next to me so I cross my legs, my left thigh kind of on his leg as he sits there, his legs sprawled out on the table

"Mani" I whisper handing him a couple red skittles because I know he likes the red ones

Instantly I heard navya clearing her throat making me realize, one I called him mani which is fine but I gave him skittles which I never do with anyone. I panicked a little but then from the corner of my eyes I see Manik's chest rise and fall as he breaths

"navu" I whisper handing her a couple

"cabu" I say handing him some too

Thank god!!!

I lean back on the couch, manik, me, cabir and I sitting in silence, watching tv which was starting to get on my nerves

"We need to go to the business gala" cabir says

"I completely forgot about that" manik says grabbing his phone, his arm brushes against mine and I swear tingles run all over my body

I knew he felt it too because as he sat back beside me, he made sure our arms were touching now to calm down my nerves

"So who are you taking?" Cabir asks and my heart starts pounding out of my chest

"Probably Nandini" manik says and I start chewing on my lips not knowing what to say

Obviously I want to go with him but the fact that he said it so easily was really stressing me out

"Why nandini? What about the girl who has a crush on you in the office?" Cabir asks

Im not even surprised someone has a crush on him, he is a literally so handsome

"Well nandini is going isn't she?" He asks cabir

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