Chapter 53

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"Come on, let's get you some ice cream" I tell her

"Bubble gum" she says making me frown

"Nandini thats the worst flavor"

"Bad boyfriend" she says sitting up beside me

"Okay fine, come on. Go put on your shoes" I say

She grins running to her shoes putting them on. She sits on the cold floor putting them on making me shake my head

"Nandini, up on the bed now" I say

"Shh come on ice cream time" she yells


she giggles

"You two coming?" I ask

"Nah im sleepy dude, take her" cabir says

"Bye bye" she says to them holding onto my hand


"Sorry for worrying you guys" she says kissing both their cheeks

"You didn't, go make a dent in his pocket" navya says kissing her head walking into their room with cabir as nandini giggles hearing her comment

once their door shuts nandini throws her hands to me making me smile. I pick her up in my arms, she rests her head on my shoulder, her legs wrap around my waist locking behind me

"Ice cream" she says kissing my neck

"Yes we can get ice cream"

"you know where to find it"

"It's right downstairs in the lobby, they have an ice cream place, it' open 24/7"

"yummy" she says making me smile

she looked like a little baby in my arms as we walk down to the lobby, we got a few looks but I didn't care, nor should nandini

"hi can I please have a bubble gum scoop in a cup" nandini says to the lady

"Sure things, anything for you young man"

"No im good ,thank you" I reply

nandini closed her eyes holding onto me really tight

"she is really beautiful" the lady whispers

"She really is" I reply kissing nandini's head

"Cutie, here is your ice cream" I say paying for it

"ice cream" she says opening her eyes

"Yes yucky bubble gum" I say

"Don't be disrespectful to my ice cream" she says grabbing it as I hold her bridal style so she can hop her ice cream

"Im not love, but it's literally chewing gum"

"Yummy mani" she says kissing my lips with a spoonful of her ice cream

It didn't taste bad but I like teasing her

"Yummy" she asks


"Maniii" she whines

"Shhh it's 3 in the morning my love" she giggles resting her head against my face as I carry her up

Getting in our room she sits on the bed as I sit in front of her

"I don't know if it was dream but I promise if felt real, I am not making it up. I thought I saw him but then I blinked a few times and he was gone" she says

"Why didn't you call me love, you know I would have came right over"

"I know but I was scared, I was so scared"

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