Chapter 2

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I quickly got ready while she was not he phone with her beloved fiancé, I wish I had someone I could share this love with but hey it isn't going to happen so I might as well get a dog or a cat you know

"Navya what are the chances of you having a kid and naming him or her sunny like the sunny side up eggs" I ask

"As likely as it is for you to kiss the first person that walks through those doors" she says

"Is that a bet?" I ask her because I am competitive as fuck

"Sure go ahead" she smirks thinking I won't do it

"Game on bitch and consider this a wedding gift" I say

She laughs hearing me, navya and I love making little bets and little challenges, its fun.

"Lets see who I get to kiss" I giggle

"Actually wait"

"Nope a deal is a deal" I say and the door opens

Hoping it was just cabir again because I have kissed him on the cheek so many times so it wouldn't be a big deal but I was disappointed when a tall ass human steps inside

Without thinking too much I walk tot he door, his eyes look with mine for a minute as he sorta analyzes what I was doing but I am not about to get rejected so I sit my brain and all those rejections from prior.

Taking a deep breath I get on my tippy toes pressing my lips against his cheeks, it was like electric shocks running down my spine which was so weird and such a new feeling but regardless I step away looking at navya

"Pay up bitch" I mumble

"God nandini" she mumbles back

"Do that again and you will lose your life" his growl literally makes me jump back a little

"Manik don't be mean" navya says

"Keep her on a leash then, come on out it's time" he says leaving

'The fuck did he just say?" I ask looking at navya

"He is a grump sometimes, come on lets go" she says

"Who even is he?" I ask not having seen him ever before

"Cabir's best friend, like a brother to him, oh and it's his and cabir's company that I work for" I nod at her

i quickly put my heals on and held navya's hand after the last few touchups

"I am so happy for you navu" I whisper kissing her cheek

"Thank you for being here with me nandu" I giggle when she kisses my head

"Ready?" I ask

"Always" she mumbles

Both of us took huge breaths before we walked down to the where the entrance was, I slip my arm away from her as her father comes to her slipping his arms against hers.

I took the back entrance and walked to the stage, as I step up I notice cabir who looked so happy, I kid you not him and navya have fought so much with the world to be together and I love how they are finally getting their happy ever after

beside cabir I notice that tall ass dude whose cheeks I kissed, he seems so rigid and uptight as if he has seething up his ass all the time. He was wearing this black three piece suit, a watch on his left hand and some random bracelets on his right hand. There was a ring on his pointer finger of his left right hand, which he was fidgeting with standing there

His jaw was locked and it looked like he might be grinding his teeth back and forth if you know what I mean also he looked extremely ticked off for some reason but hey why do I care

"Where is she?" Cabir whispers looking at me

"Patience is key dude" he glares at me making me aloha

"Im impatient you know this nandini" as soon as he says that, the doors open

A beautiful rhythm plays in the background as navya walks in with her father, I couldn't help but tear up and so did cabir, he literally was hiccuping a little

"Calm down buddy" I hear that same voice again but I was way too occupied crying myself to say anything

"Don't cry baby" navya whispers to cabir when she steps up holding his hand

"You are beautiful navya"

I bit my inner cheek to stop myself from sobbing, as I flash a smile at them.

The vows were read and rings were exchanged, it was so beautiful, so so beautiful. They kissed and were pronounced wife and husband.

As they were called on stage I rush out of the venue room to the back somewhere and as soon as I reach a place alone I couldn't help but sob into my knees as I crouch down by the pavement

It hurt so bad to see that I would never have that moment with my parents. It fucking burns my throat and heart to see how beautiful this moment is for a girl and to know that I will never have it was beyond hurt.

"Nandini" I hear her mother

I got up wiping my face really quick and walking around the wall

"Hi" I whisper

"Thank you my child" she whispers

"For what aunty?"

"For fighting against us and for navya. Seeing how happy she is made me realize I was jsut being stubborn and all for this society who gives me nothing. So thank you for sticking up form daughter" I smile hearing her

"Always aunty, she is my soulmate" I mumble

"She was looking for you"

"Oh yes okay" I say as we both walk inside

I notice her and cabir talking to mr something up his ass but I still waddle my way over to them

"Hiiiii" I giggle

"Nandini sweetie what's wrong?" Cabir asks patting my hair

"cabuuu my hair dude"

"quit distracting, where were you?" He asks

"With navya's mother, she got scared of me and have given up and she says she is happy so we Gucci" they both smile at me

"Oh by the way, Nandini this is Manik, my brother from another mother and manik this is my little sister and navya's best friend"

"Oh we have met" I say

"Where?" He asks

"He walked in the door to call navya and I kissed him" I mumble

"WHAT" cabir yells

"Oh don't worry dude, jsut on the cheek" I say giggling

"Gosh, mhm whatever, you and your stupid things. Manik and you should probably get to know each other because now you'll probably see each other a lot more because we all work together"

"Not me" I say

"You work for my company don't you" cabir asks

"Well yeah but"

"I co own it with manik so"

"gross" I mumble

"Hey behave, go get to know each other" navya says

"What is this? A matchmaking thing" I ask

'Sure, now go" cabir say pushing manik and I ono the dance floor

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