Chapter 20

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"Can you wear black?" He asks when I finished cleaning up a little

"For tonight" he nods

"Of course I can, should I wear casual clothes to the office or are we going from the office to the party?"

"It would be easier from the office because it is about an hour or two away so if you can please pack your dress"

"So we will be late coming back"

"Well see I kinda wanted to discuss that with you" he says

I nod sitting in front of him asking him to continue

"Would you be comfortable staying out there for the next two days? It's a normal party like at a venue but there is his beautiful look out with waterfalls close by so if you would be okay, we can stay in a hotel for two days and explore around a bit unless you wanna come back right away then that's fine too"

I smile seeing how considerate he is and how he isn't forcing me, he was asking.

"I am okay with staying out for two days but can I mhm can I tell you something"

"Of course"

"I have never done this before"

"Neither have I" he mumbles grabbing my hands holding them in his

I love how his hands engulf my tiny little hands, he is a whole foot taller than me but his build is so much bigger, nad no he isn't bulky or lean, he is just smack in the middle of perfection

"I have had one relationship, she was a bitch, cheated on me for a dude who hated me, but surprisingly it didn't break me"

Thats so bizarre that someone cheated on manik, I mean look at him, what's there not to like mhm well he cockiness maybe but still

'that means you never loved her" I whisper

"Exactly, I have never felt anything for anyone after that relationship" I giggle hearing him say that

"Okay yes I have had sex a few times but that is just physical, not emotional"

"So what am I? Physical, emotional, random, or just a trial and error?" I ask giving him options

His face wasn't the softest, he looked at me with so much intensity

"You aren't a trial for me"

'So physical?" I ask

"No, you are someone very special to me, you aren't my girlfriend yet but you are my girl. You aren't such a random person, you are someone who makes me feel things. A very long time ago I stopped feeling anything except anger but you make me feel these different emotions through you. There is no error in this, and this isn't because I wanna get physical with you. I want your time nadnini, I want to be in your presence, thats about it"

"I didn't wanna make you feel bad, I just wanted to know" he nods smiling

"Of course Nandini, you can talk to me about anything, wake me up at 2 am if you need your feelings to be validated or interrupt me in any meeting but I don't want you overthinking these feelings or anything. I am right here to validate every single thing, every feeling. Do you understand nadnini?" He asks

"I understand" he nods

"Good girl" I giggle hearing him

"It sounds like I am a little girl"

"You are a little girl, you remember me telling you people could trip over you?" He asks and I nodded

"I wasn't lying" I smack his arm making him laugh

"You are a shameless man, and I swear if I could I would wrestle you" I tell him

"You could, how about you and I have a wrestling match?" He suggests

"Oh yeah? And I lose a limb no thanks. Have you seen yourself?"

"Yes everyday" he says leaning closer to me

"Even naked every day" he whispers in my ear

my cheeks felt really warm as he places a kiss on my cheek


"Are you uncomfortable?" He asks

"No" I reply without even thinking

"I want you to pack up some clothes and that dress for tonight so we can head out after my meetings" he mumbles

i nod letting him know I heard him because his lips were still on my cheeks and I couldn't say anything else

"Are you aware of the fact that your body reacts o my touches?" He asks pulling me onto his lap making me gasp

"Are you?" He asks again

His lips weren't on my cheeks anymore but the side of his face was on mine

"Yes" I reply

"And are you aware of that fact that even though you and I hated each other, there was a lot of tension"

"Mhm" I hum not being able to reply

"Was that a yes or no?"

"Yes" I whisepr

"Go pack or we aren't leaving this house for hours" he says making melon away to look at his face

"Why?" I asked

"Because I will need to calm down" he says but I just look at him confused

"I am still confused"

"You are innocent as a little lamb, go pack please. I am going to head home and pack as well. I will text you to come out okay" he says

"Okay, will you bring me skittles?" I asked

"Before Cabir and navya left they handed me all the skittles so yes I can bring some" he says making me giggle

"Yay okay" he chuckles at my reply before getting up

I walk him to the door and wave watching him walk all the way to his house. I shut my door and placed the rose he got me in some water keeping the note in my room

I packed up some pyjamas, a couple dresses and also some other casual clothes. For some reason I wasn't anxious about going with him, I was actually very happy and excited to go with him

I won't ever deny the fact that I feel things for him and not just feel things but he makes me feel good about myself, he makes me feel like I am a human and not some toy.

I have been treated like trash maybe even worse but I swear to god the way manik has made me feel in the past few weeks is so much better than everything I have ever felt

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