Chapter 28

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Manik's pov

My eyes open at the slight movement beside me, turning a little I notice nandini trying to find a better position to sleep in making me realize I had my back to her and I wasn't holding onto her. Immediately i turned an wrapped my arms around her pulling her slightly back to my chest

As soon as her back rests against my chest, she stops moving, her hand holds onto mine very gently, barely hanging on before she falls a sleep again. I place a soft kiss on the back of her head.

Last night, that little tiff or argument that we had was actually so good for our relationship, it made us a bit more stronger and it made us get on a different level. It wasn't that I wasn't upset at what she said but I understood her reasoning, I understood where she was coming from

Her past is horrific and I can tell without knowing but I am happy that she is ready to accept me for me and is letting me accept her for her with all the scars

"Mhm no think" her cute voice reaches my ears as I come out of my thoughts


"You are thinking, please stop" she says turning towards me pushing her face in my chest

"How do you know I'm thinking"

"You flex when you think now stop and let me finish my dream about skittles" she says making me chuckle

Not even a couple minutes later she groaned in my chest in frustration

"Whats wrong?" I ask

"You messed up my dream, I was about to sit on a huge skittle" she says and I couldn't help but laugh really loud

"Asshole" she grumbles

"Hahah sitting on a skittle" I chuckle

"Manikkk" she whines

"Okay, im sorry love" I whisper kissing her head

"Good morning mani" she says in the cutest little voice looking up

"Good morning little mouse" I whisper kissing her lips

"Bad mani" she giggles

"Did you sleep okay baby?' I ask caressing her hair

"Mhm okay okay, I had a bad dream' she whispers

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I ask kissing her nose

"I didn't wanna disturb you plus you were so tired and sleepy that you were snoring mani, loud loud snores" she says signing how loud I was

"Thats false love, I don't snore'

"You do, I recorded it" she says grabbing her phone

"Okay no" I mumble grabbing her phone off her

She giggles making me smile

"You are such a naughty girl"

"Only for you" she says kissing my chin

"Really now?" I ask

"Mhm hmm the things id do to you" she says

i smirk hearing her

"Explain them to me love, I want to know"

"Mhm I love kissing you but I wonder how it would feel to make out with you" I smirk hearing her

"And how it would feel to see your abs, I know you have a whole package but I wanna see"

"Sweetheart are you refering to my abs?" I ask

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