Chapter 45

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Work has been hectic and when I say hectic, I mean I don't even get time to call or text manik, this is how it's been the past two months, after the merger. So the creative department had a huge number of people come in and become part of the team which means there is more work.

"Nandini" I hear navya

"Yeah, whats up" I ask turning around

"Two things"

"Yes" I smile

I love her so much

"Cabir is a pain in my ass today and I can't figure these papers out" she says sitting down beside me

"Ohh anal and all?" I tease

"Oh my godddd, that's not what I meant" her face turned bright red and I love that

"So I guess that one is checked off the list from college huh?" I ask giggling

When navya and I got to our third year, she made this list of things she wanted to try and anal was one of those things

"Stop it"


"Fine, okay yes we did. Girl when I tell you it hurt so bad the first time"

"Really bad?" I ask

"Soo bad, to the point where he stopped and said we never had to try it again but then I just realized I was so nervous that it made it way more painful"

"Yeah well, remember we went over that before your first time"

"But get this" I hum

"The second time soo good" she literally had heart eyes haha

"No nandini you don't understand, you literally need to try it with manik" I couldn't help but cough

I didn't know how to act, I didn't even wanna take water from navya because I know as soon as I stop coughing she is waiting for answers

"Don't prolong the coughing girlfriend, I see how you look at him" she says

"Like I wanna murder him?" I ask trying not to let it slip

"No, when he is giving presentations, you look at him like he is the only person in the room"

"Well mhm isn't that how you are supposed to pay attention to the person speaking"

"not by giving him fuck me now eyes"


"Im serious, do you really think I didn't pick up on how often you and manik are found in the same place with no noise, girl I know you two are something"


"So you mean to tell me that you and manik are still enemies" she asks

"Yes" I whisper but her eyes looked in mine and I melt

"Fine, we are dating" I blurt out

"You are what?" She screams

"Dating, about 9 months or so officially. I didn't know how you or cabir would feel so I kept it hidden" I whisper

"AHHH I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU" she yells pulling me in a hug

"You aren't upset?" I ask

"No, girl what? I am so happy. I know you two had differences but I also felt like he would be someone you would get along with so well" I nod in the hug

"He simply just makes me happy and thats it. I don't need anything else" I whisper

"I know, cabir and I were discussing how happy the two of you have been"

"So happy navya, I told him everything and he didn't question me, not once. Instead he made me feel comfortable and love myself"

"I told you, he is so sweet" I giggle nodding

"So the moral of the story is yes, you should try it with him"

"Navya" I smack her arm

she laughs as I give her the papers circling the info she couldn't find.

"Why is cabir annoying you?" I ask

"Oh being his normal self, I made us food right and he goes, no I don't want any so I didn't make any extras but he still had some food. He then asks if there is more like bro I jsut asked and you said no" I laugh hearing her

"You guys fight over this every other month"

"damn right, because he is stupid"

"You love him" I remind her

"I do" she smiles

"Thank god I told you about manik and I because I don't need to hide anymore"

"Double dates" her and I screamed right before we burst out laughing

"I gotta get back and you go see your mans" she says

"He might be busy" I say

"Don't think so, mhm he was in a really really bad mood this morning. I went in there and he didn't say a single thing, jsut nodded"

"Thats weird, he seemed fine last night" I mumble

"Well he probably got some last nigh"


she laughs walking with me, she went to her cabin while I walk up to manik's floor.

I didn't hear anything so I walk in without knocking as always

"GET THE FUCK OUT" he screamed

"Woah, calm down" I mumble walking in

his head turns to me and he looks away

"Nandini leave" he says

"Whats going on?" I asked

"I said leave and that means leave the cabin now"

"No" I utter standing in front of him

he glared at me but not playful at all, instead he was being very serious

"Whats wrong? Can I help with anything?" I ask

"No you cannot so leave my cabin nandini"

"Relax, will you breath"


i was taken back seeing how pissed off he was and the way he screamed at me was not like him. He never screams or yells at me like that, even before we were together, he never yelled like that

"Manik just breath, drink some water" I whisper


I walk over to him wrapping my arms around him but he immediately pulls back completely pushing me slightly

"GET THE FUCK OUT" he screams again

I don't say anything, I just walked out of his cabin.

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