Chapter 58

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i walk closer to them and seeing me he doesn't push her but she pushes him a bit stepping away

"Hi" she says cheekily wiping her lips

I look up at manik to see his eyes blank, he wasn't making eye contact, nor was he looking at her. His stare was blank and on the ground

"Sorry, who are you?" She asks

"His girlfriend, who are you?" I ask

"You mean ex? Because he is my fiancé" she says

"Fiancé wow, let me see the ring" I say

This girl shows me her hand, a shining diamond on her ring fingers making me smirk a little. I turn towards his mother smiling.

"The next time you wanna blackmail my boyfriend into doing something stupid, think again and get the girl a better diamond nyonika, you must have the money for it" I say causing her to fume in anger

"And you sweetheart, get away form my man" I say

"Are you psychotic? Him and I were just kissing, what part of him cheating on you don't you understand?" She asks wrapping her arms around his but he doens't make move

" Tell you what, he isn't so cold when he kisses"

"Oh he wasn't, it was the best kiss" she smiles making me chuckle

"Girl he didn't even have his lips on yours, who the fuck do you think you are messing with?"

"He did, tell her manik"

He doesn't say anything, not does he look up

"Manik look at me" she says but his head doesn't move

"Manik baby look at me please" she chirps in her annoying fucking voice

I chuckle a bit seeing him not looking up at her

"Manik look up at me" I say

He instantly looks up in my eyes

Walking closer to him I unwrap his hands from hers and he steps closer to me

"You okay?" I ask

He nods gripping my hand

"miss soha, the next time you decide it would be a fantastic idea to touch my boyfriend think again because I am psychotic enough to snap your hand in half and not even blink. And you mrs malhotra, get a fucking life, if I see you blackmailing him abut anything I swear to god"

"Well then get ready to have your photos leaked nandini, the ones aryan has yeah those. It's either you break up with Manik and those pictures will be safe or you be with Manik and those pictures get leaked and they aren't pretty" she smirks thinking she is winning

"Sweetheart, leak em" I smile at her

"Nandini" Manik says

"Shh, I've got it" I say caressing his hand that was in mine

"Im not joking Nandini" she says

"Neither am I, you want to leak them with him, do it" I challenge

"I will" she says

"go ahead, let the world see it"

"Let's see if you feel the same after seeing I actually have them" she says pulling something up on her phone

She shows me the picture, it took less than a second before I chuckled

"He is still terrible at editing, get a life you guys" I said shaking my head

"Fine, Aryan sweetheart, come out" she says

A second later, a man steps out of the side. The man I had always been scared of but something about the talk manik and I had and the fact Manik was right here gave me that confidence, I wasn't scared anymore

"Sup you piece of shit" I greet

"Sassy as always, something I used to love about that pretty mouth" he says smirking

Let's jsut say the smirk does't last long because Manik was out of my arms and had punched him so hard that aryan was on the ground

"Manik no" I try to pull him back

"WELCOME TO YOUR PERSONAL HELL YOU BITCH" he screams at aryan punching him again

"maniii stop, please" I whisepr

Hearing me he looks at me, punching him one more time he gets up and steps away.

Aryan spits the blood out on the pavement

"Get it" manik says on the phone to someone

"Before you pull a stunt Manik malhotra, make sure you have your company and your girl's dignity' aryan says

i scoff a little

"Dignity? You think you have my dignity in your hands" I ask

he smirks pulling his phone out and sliding the phone over to me. I pick it up and saw the video, it was of him having sex with me, and no I don't mean like me, I mean a girl and he had placed my face on her though editing like the fuck

"YOU FUCKING PEIECE OF SHITTT" Manik yells punching him

"MNAIK STOP, MANIKKK" I scream grabbing him but he was way too raged

"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU" he screams hitting aryan

"Manik don't, Manik please, stop it. You will get hurt, manikkkk" but he was out of it

i see nyonika smiling seeing Manik fighting


His hands immediately leave aryan throwing him on the pavement

"FUCKING BITCH" he yells wiping the blood off his nose because aryan had gotten few hits in

"If you want your company Manik, lets not be violent" nyonika says

"FUCKING TAKE IT ALL" he screams at his mother

"And your girls dignity, she will be on all the porn sites in minutes" she says smirking

"Yeah, go ahead but know the second that gets on the internet, I will make sure to give you proof thats not me" I say grabbing manik's hand pulling him with me

"Let my arm go, I am going to fucking kill him"

"Manik calm down"

"NO" he screams

"It's either you calming down right now or we are going to be in big trouble, get it together Manik" I say rubbing his chest

"Get it together? Are you fucking with me nandini, telling them to put it out like what the fuck is wrong with you" he screams

"If you are going to scream at me, I am not responding you know this very well so calm down, sit here and sip on this water. Don't you dare move, I will be right back" I say

"Bullshit, I am going to fucking kill him, I mean it" he says getting up


"How are you so fucking calm, he has videos nandini what the hell man?"

"Manik stop please, you need to breath"

"I will breath after he is in a god damn grave"

Not finding another solution I push him a little making him sit, he glares at me as I grab his chin placing my lips on his, he takes a huge breath as I pull back

I wipe the blood off his nose placing the handkerchief on his nose for a couple minutes until it stopped bleeding.

"Now shut up and drink this water" I said before walking back into the party

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