Intro + Rant

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The writers were the ones getting high on weed while writing this drama. Because what the fuck was that.

*deep breaths*

Since y'all are here for the same thing, I don't need to explain my hatred towards the writing team. My man Ryu Shi-Oh deserved better.

I can't sleep thinking how his life could have been instead of the shit show the makers made it out to be. So I decided to write my own version of his story, redemption arc, the love and care he deserved and a happy ending.

Don't worry I'll make Namsoon's character not so bland and one dimensional, she will have her own thoughts and perspectives. Instead of being prejudiced by other people's opinions and influences.

Also I won't be including any unnecessary love plotline of her mother and grandmother because I simply don't care enough. This is all about Ryu Shi-Oh and Namsoon's relationship and their battle against Pavel and themselves.

And ofcourse I'll try my best to give you a sizzling chemistry. *wink wonk*

*Clears throat*

Anyways, please don't read this if you're a Ryu Shi-Oh hater, the door's that way 👉🚪

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