Chapter 1

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There was a strange kind of gloominess in the air tonight, a little suffocating and indecipherable. Maybe because Tsetseg had to say goodbye to her beloved pappa today, who had been her companion for as long as she can remember.

She had cried for hours, trying to ease the ache in her heart but the grief was all consuming. Tsetseg's aav and eej were by her side the entire day, making sure their daughter was alright but one can only mourn till their heart is contented and peaceful.

After her brown eyes ran out of tears, she sat beside pappa's grave in a state of complete silence and stillness. It was somehow comforting, as if he was around, his soul lingering in the air and caressing her tear stained cheeks. Her lips pulled up in a melancholic smile as she revisited the memories of her cherished horse. He was there since the start.

She prayed and prayed, wishing that he'd rest in peace.

After having an unusually silent dinner with her parents, Tsetseg suddenly smiled, "Aav, eej, what do you look for in an ideal son-in-law? I must take your wishes in consideration, no?"

Her parents immediately looked up after hearing the overly enthusiastic question of their daughter, and were met with a silly smile on her face. They were aware of it being an attempt to hide the sadness residing in her heart but decided to play along for the sake of her happiness.

Her father spoke up, matching his daughter's excited tone, "Of course, of course. We wouldn't let our daughter marry just anyone. He must be someone of vigour and class...And strength too!"

"You're father is right, even though no one can outwin your strength, he must be someone who could protect our Tsetseg and take care of her well," her mother added, subtly glancing at her husband who agreed with a nod.

Tsetseg unknowingly pouted after hearing her parents' words, "Well I don't know about protection but he should love me to death. I'll protect the both of us, he just needs to stay by my side no matter what."

She wanted someone who would love her no matter what, no matter which circumstance or hardship would come their way. Someone who would be willing to fight for her, even though she's strong and can do that own her own. She just needed someone to stay, who would never leave.

Tsetseg did not know if her demands were too much or too less but that's what she craved in her life. And maybe she would be able to find that someone in her birthplace, a land that is so familiar yet unfamiliar to her. Somewhere she wanted to go in search of her sense of belonging...and a husband.

Tomorrow was the day of her departure, and her heart was doing all kinds of weird things. It was a feeling that was both exhilarating and nauseous. Her increasing heartbeat sure was indicating an heartattack, or was it just her anxiety? At this point she wasn't sure, but hoped not to be found dead in the morning.

She glanced at her luggage which was already packed and seated beside her bed making her sigh. Laying back down on the bed, her mind just started racing, making all kinds of scenarios of her upcoming future. A scene of her finding her birth parents and family, crying and laughing after the reunion.

Then there was a scene filled with despair, where she found herself lost and deserted in an unknown place filled with unknown people. Which one of these scenarios would become her reality, was still not confirmed and that made her more uncertain about her trip to Korea.

Huffing loudly, Tsetseg shut her eyes and turned onto her side, trying to subside all of these voices and visions in her head. Sleep felt a little too foreign tonight, but she felt asleep nonetheless after an hour or so of overthinking.

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