The Wedding

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An year later...

The Proposal

“Being a photographer is hard,” Tsetseg pouted as she looked through the pictures she took so far, but none of them had a satisfactory outcome. She had developed it as a hobby from her father, and now she was obsessed with perfectionism. With a sly smile, she muttered to herself,“It would have been prettier if it was Shi-Oh's face instead.”

Sighing, she put away her camera and decided to go through her notes once more as she had an exam next day. Yes, she had enrolled in a university last year to study about human psychology. It was just her urge to learn more about the human brain, one of the main reason being the children in their orphanage. She wanted to interact more carefully with them, as a social worker it felt right.

And the subject in itself was quiet interesting to her. But there was an idiot who had ignorantly asked,Oh, are you gonna learn how to read minds? He had done it deliberately to annoy her, and she paid him back with a smile and a punch to the gut. Well, he did not talk to her for two days last year, until she coarced him with the power of food. BinBin is an absolute idiot.

Feeling her phone ring, she looked at contact number before picking it up,“Ma'am you're order is ready. The custom made ring that you have asked for is available to be picked up. We will be waiting for your arrival until nine in the evening, thank you for using our service.”

“Oh, I'll be there in ten,” Tsetseg smiled eagerly, before running out of the apartment, shared apartment now. Shi-Oh did not rest until she moved in with him, he followed her like a lovesick puppy. Well, she finally gave up. Now, it was time to make the puppy hers forever. She had planned the perfect proposal.

Though, she didn't know that the ring would be delivered earlier than expected, but she had already done the bookings in advance. After picking up the ring, she needed to dress up and call her husband to the airport themed hotel! See, it was all so perfect. Giggling, she decided to call her sister to manage her excitement,“Hwa-jaaaaa! I finally got it. I am so nervous, what do I do?”

“First of all breathe, and second I'll be their to doll you up in fifteen minutes,” just like always, the calm one of the sisters spoke but she couldn't deny the wide smile on her lips. Tsetseg only nodded, then realised and verbally agreed, waiting for her sister to arrive.

Tsetseg laid on her bed while staring at the simple yet elegant diamond studded platinum ring. Sitting up from her bed, she put it back in the maroon velvet box, the same one in which Shi-Oh gifted her the keychain. The door bell brought her out of her thoughts, before she ran to open it, only to find a smiling Hwa-ja and her mother, ofcourse. She was not surprised.

“She eavesdropped,” Hwa-ja accused their mother, and Tsetseg only shook her head in mock disappointment. Hwang Geum Ju only scoffed at her daughters' disrespectful behaviour, before pulling their ears. After few seconds of whining, she let go and pulled up a smile excited smile.

“Let's get to work, my daughter. Your sister needs to look absolutely stunning,” she exclaimed, pulling out so many products of makeup that made the sisters slightly nervous. Because their mother seemed more excited and prepared compared to the duo. “Stop staring and sit down on the chair.”

And the next hour was spent into dressing up Tsetseg.


“Man life sucks,” BinBin muttered, taking a sip from his red wine, lamenting for nothing at all. He was just being dramatic. Hi-seek and Shi-Oh were used to it by now, tolerating him became easier. “Does having girlfriends really help with the shittiness of life or people just enjoy suffering more?”

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