Chapter 10

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A lil trigger warning at the end of the chapter...


Tsetseg stared at woman named Marie Kim, who had tried to poison her about fifteen minutes ago. It was actually hilarious to see her try so hard, without knowing about Tsetseg's tolerance and immune system. In the end, she was the one who ended up passing out from too much alcohol.

Waving a hand infront her face for the last time, she stood up from the couch and started carefully examining the room. She held out her wrist watch to capture anything and everything that surrounded her. There had been nothing suspicious found after her inspection of the whole space.

Sighing, she walked out of the room, heading towards the lobby where Shi-Oh was waiting for her. He had introduced her to all the people working here, and explained about the work she'd be handed over. Which precisely landed her in this room with that woman who seemed to hate her.

She carefully walked down the stairs, before lifting her face to already find Shi-Oh waiting at the bottom. His hands were resting in his trouser pockets, while he looked at her with curiosity. Probably about what had happened between her and Marie Kim.

Tsetseg jumped on the last stair with enthusiasm, and passed a victorious smile to the man standing infront of her, “Madam Kim is passed out cold.”

He only seemed amused by her confession as he reciprocated the expression on her face. But Tsetseg needed to head home now, because she had to meet up with Hi-seek to discuss something regarding this mission. Or as he had briefly told her before hanging up on her face.

“Shi-Oh, I should head home now. I am drunk and want to sleep,” Tsetseg said, trying to appear a bit tipsy to seem more convincing.

Shi-Oh smiled, “You have already decided that on your own?... Alright, you can go home now.”

“See you tomorrow. Off I go,” she said nodding her head with a smile, and skipping off towards the exit before waiting for his reply.

As soon as she was out of Heritage club, she texted Hi-seek to come pick her up and only received a seen. She scoffed, trying to control her mind from coming up with violent ways to beat him up. But they were interrupted by a Jeep coming to screeching halt in right front of her.

Without wasting any time, she opened up the car door of his passenger seat and got inside. Once the car was moving, she turned to look at the man with a glare, “What is so important that you couldn't wait till morning? It was really nerve wrecking to just leave like that.”

“I have no time to argue with you. Tomorrow is a really busy day for me, so I am telling you this right now,” he said without any playfulness in his voice. He turned the car towards an alley before, turning off the engine.

Tsetseg looked at him in confusion, as she saw him pull out a bag from the backseat. He rummaged through the bag before pulling out a yellow pendrive and a laptop. “Look, I need you to attach this pendrive to Ryu Shi-Oh's computer whenever you have the access. It will automatically hack through his password and give the access to his files.”

“All you have to do is...” he demonstrated the whole process by using the laptop in his lap. Teaching her some important steps for gaining access and importing the everything from his computer. “The only catch is, it will take some you'll have to look for the right moment.”

She was sure that she wouldn't get a longer access of his office alone in the day. It would be suicide to do that in the broad daylight, especially with such a crucial process. And not to mention the security cameras that are installed in and outside of his office.

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