Chapter 3

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"Yes, it was a woman in her late thirties...she seemed nice that's why I fell into her trap," Tsetseg finished her long description of the scamming incident she became a victim of. Although the last part wasn't necessary, guess it was just her trying to justify herself for being an absolute idiot.

The female officer sitting behind the counter nodded her head in acknowledgement and typed away in her computer before raising her head again, "We'll look into your matter as soon as possible. Please be reassured and do take care of the rest of your stuff."

Tsetseg sighed at her straight forward tone, it must have had something to do with her informal speech. She did hear the cop mumble about something around the lines of 'impolite' and 'banmal'. Well, in her defence she was so caught up in the fact of filing complaint against her scammer that she forgot the explain the whole informal speech thing.

Taking another deep breath, she spoke, "Umm...miss? I am sorry if you felt offended by my casual way of speaking but I was brought up in Mongolia and never really had the chance to learn... proper Korean..."

Hearing her words the officer's serious demeanor faded away, soon replaced by an understanding smile, "Ahh...That was the case. Sorry I miss took you for someone bad."

Smiling wide, Tsetseg asked, "Can you perhaps help me get in touch with another detective named...Gan hi-seek? He told me to contact him in case of emergency, and the scammer also took my phone. He also has something very precious to me."

"Gan hi-seek? Detective Gan?" the cop questioned as if to confirm the identity. But before Tsetseg could reply, she heard her name being called from behind.

Turning around, she saw the detective heading towards her in all his glory, with a smile on his face as if he won a lottery. Stopping right in front of her, he held out a bag containing her stuff which was confiscated at the airport. She eagerly grabbed it, immediately checking the state of her beloved trophy.

I'll break his bones, if I found a single scratch on my trophy. Tsetseg thought to herself. Thankfully, all of her things were as good as they were before, guess hi-seek was safe for now. Before she could say anything the detective spoke, "Why are you here? I called you so many times but you didn't pick up."

She was about to answer the question in a less embarrassing way but guess what someone cut her off, again! The female officer behind them blurted out, "She got scammed. The scammer promised her an apartment with the direct view of the Han river in a cheap price."

Tsetseg gritted her teeth in annoyance after seeing the detective holding back his laugh by biting his lip. Now, she either wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole or punch the life out of Gan hi-seek. But neither of the scenarios took place, because one was too far fetched while the other would land her in jail.

"I am leaving, I hope you do your job and find the scammer soon enough, " she muttered pouting slightly, and began heading towards the exit. But her named was called once again, making her feet halt on the ground.

She stared at Gan hi-seek with narrowed eyes watching him jog towards her with a wierd smile. Once he was standing right infront of her, his upcoming words left the woman frozen on the spot, "I think I have found your family. You're Gang Namsoon, the girl who got lost in Mongolia twelve years ago, right?”

Not believing the words that left his mouth, Tsetseg tightened her grip around the fabric of her top, throat getting dry yet she managed to let out the words, “How know? That I got lost in Mongolia..?”

Sighing, the detective revealed in a softer tone, “Your mother, Hwang geum ju, has been looking for you for years. She was still looking for you when I contacted her. I've looked into your personal information and it coincidentally matches perfectly with the Gang family...she wants to meet you.”

The familiar burn in her eyes returned, while her heart filled to the brim with anticipation. She couldn't believe what was happening. Swallowing the knot in her throat, she reminisced all of those nights which she spent dreaming of this particular day. Then why did it feel so surreal now.

Composing herself with another deep breath, she looked at the patiently waiting detective before whispering, “Please take me to her.”


Tsetseg could feel her heart lurching out of her chest, as she stared at the pristine white door infront of her. She had been standing infront of the same door from the past five minutes, building up the courage to finally open it and face her mother up close, fall into her embrace but her limbs seemed to had been frozen.

Tsetseg  you can do it! With repeating those affirming words to herself, she pushed the door open in a haste. Her eyes were immediately met with marvelous interior, something she had ony seen in her Korean dramas. Then it landed on a figure standing in the middle of the large living room, a woman with flame red hair.

Eomma,” she whispered walking closer to the woman who was looking at her with a fond look of her own. It was as if she already knew her identity, there were no words needed. The distance between them was reducing with each passing second, soon before they were standing eye to eye.

“Namsoon-ah,” the woman called her name with such affection that it warmed her heart. Both of their eyes were glossy and voices weak, so without another words they engulfed eachother in the long forgotten embrace of mother and daughter who were once separated.

Eomma,” Tsetseg cried out, tightening her hold around her mother, fearing she would disappear any minute. She did not want to lose her again, when she just got into her warm embrace.

Celebratory tears cascaded down her rosy cheeks as she pulled away from the hug and looked at the equally emotional woman infront of her. Long fingers wiped out her flowing tears as a small smile appeared on her mother's face, “Don't cry my daughter. I have finally found you after twelve years now. I only want to see the look of happiness on your face.”

Tsetseg nodded slowly, sniffing once before reciprocating the jubilant expression of her mother's face. “Eomma, how have you been? And where is appa ? Is he not home?”

Hwang geum ju's smile faded, a hesitating look appearing on her face before she spoke, “Your father and I...we don't live together anymore, Namsoon-ah. Since the day you got lost, our relationship had never been the same... we're divorced now.”

After the revelation, Tsetseg felt her heart crumbled in pieces, she had just found her birth parents only to learn that they had separated because of her. Just because of her, they are not together anymore. Even though it was not her fault, she deep down felt guilty about the happening.

“My daughter, don't think too much about it. It was bound to happen someday, don't blame yourself for it,” Geum ju said, holding her daughter's small face between her hands, as if she was ten years old again. “I heard from detective Gan that you got scammed. Are you hurt anywhere? You must be tired and hungry, no? Let me take you to your room.”

Tsetseg scoffed internally, why did he have to share such an embarrassing detail?! She would poke his eyes out, the next time they'd meet...Eyes.

Somehow, her mind seemed to wander to the man with dangerously dark eyes, again. He was an enigma to her, she had only seen him twice and he had already captured her curiosity. What was he doing near the river bank today? Was he following her? Or was it another coincidence?

The way he looked at her still sent shivers down her spine, though he still must be unaware of the fact that she had also seen him. His eyes were a different language on their own, a language that was so well coded and preserved that it made her wonder about the words he wanted to convey.

Why did it feel like he had only lived in silence till now?

A/N: 3rd chapter done. How do you feel about it so far?

I changed up some things to speed up the process. They are gonna meet soon.

Please comment down your opinions and feelings. 💜

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