Chapter 13

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Ryu Shi-Oh

Shi-Oh ardently stared at the black panther keychain held between his long fingers, observing it with a keen sense of fascination. A barely visible smirk tugged his lips upwards, as his mind wandered to the previous owner of this token of friendship, that supposedly belonged to him now.

Friends, huh? He thought to himself.

Perhaps, he had also started seeing her as a friend unconsciously, or why else would he tolerate someone outright disrespecting his perspective of the world. His opinions were the only ones that had mattered to him until now, then there was her, who seemed to counter every single one of them with unparalleled views of her intricate mind.

She was an enigma, yet so transperant. Sometimes he could read it all, that was buried in her careless smiles and untamed eyes. But then there were times when she would hide her emotions behind a veil, one that was difficult to see through. Everything about her was a kind of slow intoxication, and he was becoming addicted.

From the first time he laid his eyes on her, he wished to aquire the strength that she possessed. He wanted her to stand behind him as one of his strongest assets. But the lines between possession and want were appeared to be blurring now. There was no telling, when he'd find himself crossing the line.

However, for now the word friends did not sound so bad to his ears.



Tsetseg was waiting for Hi-seek's call, because he had texted her in the morning that he had gathered the information she needed about that boy. It was almost two in the afternoon and he hadn't called yet, while her heart was almost collapsing in sheer anticipation. It was a dilemma which split her mind in two.

One part of her wanted that the boy had nothing to do with Ryu Shi-Oh, because no one deserved such a horrible childhood. Despite that, the other part cruelly wished that he was indeed Shi-Oh, just so that she could defend herself for believing into the kindness of a man who was otherwise deemed evil.

But it still wouldn't change the fact that you're decieving him... A distant voice whispered in her head.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the noise of her phone ringing on her desk. She instantly grabbed it and headed towards the restroom in an urgent pace, it was Hi-seek who had called. She bowed to her seniors who passed by her in a blur, as her mind was ony focused on one thing.

Hastily getting inside the cubicle, she locked the door and picked up her phone in an instant, "Tell me, whatever you got without wasting anytime...or saying anything stupid."

She heard him scoff from the other side, "You have some audacity ordering me around, when you're the one who asked for a favour...are you that eager to reunite with your childhood crush?"

"Gan Hi-seek, get to the point," she hissed through the phone, almost hearing him gulp and clearing his throat in a frenzy.

"Yeah, so...first of all your crush lied to you," he started making Tsetseg roll her eyes, "...he most probably wasn't abused by his parents but rather his caretakers in the orphanage...the last trace of his family is that he was abandoned when he was only a year old, before being transported to the orphanage."

Tsetseg felt her throat tightened as the cop continued, "Then he lived in the orphanage for about five years...and then he just disappeared mysteriously...After 2002, I couldn't find him in any government or official records...I think it might be a case of child trafficking because he wasn't the only orphan that disappeared from the orphanage."

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