Chapter 5

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Three days into the mission and she already felt like choking the life out of Gan hi-seek, he irritated her like no other. It was already a headache for her to work as a heavy loader without using her powers much. And then there was him, who was always arguing and making horrendous jokes in every ten minutes.

Tsetseg also felt like she was being watched some of the time, but she brushed it off. Maybe it was because she was literally in the enemy's territory, that's why her nerves were extra anxious. However, the thought of being observed really gave her creeps.

Breathing deeply, she put down the last box in the truck using her super strength and somehow forgot to be subtle about it. She brushed her long hair out of her eyes, regretting not to had brought a rubber band with her. But she definitely did not regret refusing a haircut suggested by her mother.

Anyways, there was a man she had grown to know as Han sang woo, who had been pestering her since she joined. Asking her questions about how she gained this unimaginable strength. And she would always reply, 'It runs in the family.' Where was the lie?

Despite his countless inquiries, he was a nice man who hadn't judged her informal way of speaking right off the bat. Unlike the other employees who'd stare at her as if she was an alien of some sort. And that detective would always make some wierd kind of excuse for her informal speech.

“Tsetseg, are you done with your work?” Mr. Han asked, wiping off the sweat on his forehead, followed by an almost lifeless hi-seek dragging his feet towards the empty chair. “Are you hungry? My son is bringing us lunch today.”

At the mention of food, her stomach growled in an agreement, making her smile sheepishly towards the old man. But before she could say anything, a weak voice—it was Gan hi-seek–interrupted their conversation dramatically, “I would like some poison instead, cuz I don't think I can bear to live anymore.”

Tsetseg rolled her eyes, passing the almost unconscious man a bottle of water. He eagerly grabbed it and gulped down all of it in a single breath. She only shook her head at his antics and turned towards Mr. Han, smiling she spoke,“Thank you for offering us lunch, Mr. Han. I am indeed very hungry.”

Appa!” a loud voice diverted their attention towards the left, seeing a young boy running towards them with a bag in his hands and a smile on his face. “I brought you food.”

Scrunching her eyebrows in concentration, her eyes widened as she recognised the boy. He was the one she saved from drowning that day at the Han river. And it seemd like he had also recognised her, as he exclaimed with surprise, “Noona?!”

Guess the world is really not that big afterall.

The two men looked rather confused about this little reunion, so Tsetseg explained in detail...not really...about the whole drowning incident which earned another string of gratitude expressed by Mr. Han. Her only fear was that kid opening his mouth and saying something about her blue eyes.

Come on, he must have even forgot about it by now. I shouldn't think too much.


It was evening now, their time to get off work and head home. Most of the workers had changed out of their uniforms and started departing to their houses. Tsetseg exhaled in relief as the detective finally finished his share of loading, knowing that she can go home now. “I thought we might spend the night here because of how slow you were working.”

Hi-seek glared at her, offended by her teasing tone, “Not everyone is super strong like you, alright? It doesn't run in my family.”

Tsetseg only ignored and starting heading towards the changing room, but before she could walk any further a voice called her. She turned around to see a middle aged man with glasses, dressed in a sleek brown suit. He did not looked like a worker in here. He walked closer and asked, “Are you Tsetseg Khan?”

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