Chapter 34

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I kind of miscalculated in the last chapter—the Khan family will not arrive in this chapter but the next one.

As in chapter 35...

I can't believe that the story is ending in like five more chapters. I am kinda emo rn.

Third person pov

“Three of the corrupt government officials and two businessmen, who had connections with Pavel had surrendered themselves in the span of a week,” the head detective informed, a small smile on his face before continuing,“and we have enough concrete proof to keep them behind the bars without the government meddling.”

Hwang geum ju smiled in victory, before turning to look at Shi-Oh who had a small smirk of his own. They were currently residing in Geum ju T.V's studio, about to broadcast a very special news. Then he spoke,“And before they even try to pull up their strings, they'd be exposed on national television. Afterall, there's no better judge than the citizens of a democracy, isn't it Ms. Hwang.”

“Indeed, it is,” she replied, before turning back to look at the detective who looked a little demented. So, she decided to implore,“It's a safety measure, detective. We must ensure that they never get out of prison, even if they're powerful enough. The higher ups and politicians wouldn't meddle if the news about the convicts is broadcasted across the country.”

Detective Han nodded in agreement, before looking at Shi-Oh,“Is the distribution of the antidote successful? Any inconveniences? After last week's broadcast on Geum ju TV about the drug, it must be in demand.”

“It's going well. Though there was an initial distrust among people about it's authenticity, the doubt has cleared after countless successful cases buzzing around. But I am afraid the demand will be increasing tenfold, which could be a hassle. That's why we must eliminate the drug peddlers across Korea as soon as possible,” Shi-Oh said with a solemn voice, taking a sip from his seat strawberry milk.

Quite uncharacteristic of him, he was aware. But...Tsetseg bought it for him this morning, and he couldn't refuse. Besides, it tastes good... However, he didn't miss the way Ms. Hwang was trying to hide her smile while glancing at him. That made him a little embarrassed. Did I just ruin my reputation infront of her?

“Then, I'll take my leave, Mr. Ryu and Ms. Hwang. Have a nice day,” the detective stood up from his seat before bowing to the duo and recieving the same in return. Then he walked out of the studio, leaving them to their own devices.

“Has Pavel made any moves to hurt you...after your friend joined hands with you last week? Any threats?” Geum ju started, voicing out her worries to the man who was busy drinking his so called strawberry milk. She was sure that he would even drink poison happily if Namsoon gave it to him. The thought made her feel both relieved yet worried.

“Say, Ms. Hwang...are you worried about me right now?” Shi-Oh asked with a mischievous smile on his face, causing the woman to sigh at his almost childlike antics. Of course, she was worried abou her so-called future son-in-law, as Tsetseg had called him in her drunk state that night. It was such chaos.

“Eomma, you better accept him as you future son-in-law or I'll elope with him...” She was glad that this brat wasn't present their at that moment as he had already left.

“How could I not worry about a certified target of an international mafia organisation?” she replied in a monotonous voice, causing the man's mischief to deflate in an almost sulky manner. He muttered something about hating the tag certified target, before pulling up another smile.

“Denial phase, I understand. I have beared it once, I can do it again,” he spoke in a dramatic melancholic voice, causing the woman's eyes to twitch. Then, he appeared a little solemn,“They won't threaten me anymore Ms. Hwang, becasuse they know it's a failed tactic. And about killing, that also doesn't seem like a option for them...for now atleast. The most they could do is try to persuade, build in fear or find my weakness.”

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