Chapter 35

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Ahem—I am alive lmao...

NOTE: After going through the plot of this book, I have come to the conclusion that bringing Tsetseg's Mongolian parents at this point of the story would be inconvenient to the climax.

I mean things would get quiet intense and them being here, getting caught up in the mess wouldn't be good. So I have discarded the reunion idea...

I'll continue the process towards the climax with the elimination of one chapter to the story. But I can add Shi-Oh and their first meeting as a bonus chapter after this book ends, alright?

Now *clears throat with red cheeks* warning for mild umm...mature content in this chapter—

I don't write smut—it's just the characters getting a lil umm...JUST READ, I AM EMBARRASSED ALREADY!!

*Plays be-intehaan in the background and disappears*

Third person pov

“Just how much have the two of you tortured him?” Tsetseg questioned in a concerned yet curious tone as she looked at the beaten and bruised up man tied up infront of her with a grimaced face. Jeong do-il, the criminal and stalker sent by Pavel, whom the trio had captured two days ago.

“Not enough it seems, since he still hasn't opened his mouth yet” Shi-Oh commented nonchalantly, dark eyes boring into the tortured man's skull. Then he turned to look at his girlfriend, expression morphing into a gentle one,“Don't worry about it, love. He will speak sooner or later. I'll make sure of that.”

“You two scare the living shit out of me,” Hi-seek muttered under his breath, side eyeing the lethal looking Russian duo, one of whom was his brother. He had seen the atrocities BinBin was capable of in the last two days, yet to be introduced to the CEO's ways. And to be honest, he was not looking forward to it at all. “I am heading to station, urgent work.”

“And I am heading home, all this blood is making me nauseous,” BinBin added, faking a shiver and disgusted expression, making Tsetseg roll her eyes. “I really thought that breaking this guy would be easy, but this motherf–trucker isn't what he seems. He's pain tolerance gives me anxiety for real.”

“Stop censoring curse words around me, I am not a child,” Tsetseg gritted out, glaring at the amused male who just grinned in return. It was yesterday, when an old lady mistook her for a fifteen year old infront of these jerks, and they hadn't let it go since! After laughing for a good ten minutes, they intentionally made jokes on the incident. “I'll break your legs, you jerk.”

“Shi-Oh, hold back your feral, before it bites me,” with that the annoying man ran out of the wherehouse, followed by a chuckling Hi-seek. She huffed out in annoyance, before turning to look at Shi-Oh, who looked at her with a calm smile. And maybe her previous anger vanished magically.

“Do you want me to poison his wine bottles?” the man asked with a playful look of determination on his face, making her smile in an instant. Shaking her head in disapproval, she grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the exit, not wanting to stay in the suffocating space for any longer. Not to mention, when a tortured criminal was silently sitting there.

It's been two days, and the criminal still hadn't relayed an ounce of information regarding his involvement with Pavel and why he stalked them a week ago. It was somehow unnerving, not be able to know their enemies next move. But they decided to be patient with it, instead of making hasty decisions.

“Shi-Oh, what has doctor Choi said about your treatment?” she asked as they walked out of the warehouse, well more like a basement disguised as one. Her heart suddenly filled with beaming concern as she waited for the man to answer. They had talked about his repulsion to the drug which had been consuming from the past three years.

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