Chapter 6

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Ryu Shi-Oh

14 hours ago...

"Doogo has been rising at a rapid pace from the past two years, I wonder what's the secret of this success..." Hwang geum ju taunted with a sly smile on her face, provoking Shi-Oh to attempt something murderous right then and there.

Controlling his violent urges, his lips pulled up in a barely visible smirk, "I want to be the game changer. The power to change the world and capitalist market...My goal is to achieve that power."

Plastering another cunning smile on her face, the woman spoke in a mocking tone, "And..what do you ultimately wish to achieve with that power?"

She was testing his patience, every single ounce of it as he glared at her with resent in his charcoal eyes, "The weak fall prey to the powerful... without power you're merely trampled upon. I wish to be on top of the food chain."

Power. He must achieve immense power, to the extent where no one would be able to reach. No one would dare to even think about approaching him with their deceitful selves. Once a pawn, there would soon be a time where he would be the one to rule and to ruin. And no one would dare to disobey.

"That sounds arrogant...I believe that the powerful should protect the weak, instead of possessing control over them, " Hwang geum ju commented, as if she was some kind of saint. Someone who had never committed a bad deed, and he might have even believed her for a second.

But Shi-Oh was very well aware of the fact that no one was a saint, it was absolutely impossible. Humans have the tendency to cross the line between good and bad too often, that they start losing track of their own conscience. They believe they hadn't done anything wrong in their lives, but they merely live in lies created by themselves.

Protecting the weak? Shi-Oh wanted to laugh out loud. That's not what powerful people do. Maybe even after living in this harsh reality for so many years, even more than him, Hwang geum ju still hadn't seemed to develop a realistic perspective of the world. Or perhaps she had not ever experienced being weak enough.

"Is that what you think? Do you really believe that power is a tool to protect the weak?" Shi-Oh chuckled darkly, before leaning his upper body on his elbows which rested on the table, "Perhaps Miss Hwang should take off her rose colored glasses now. It seems to be blinding her vision of reality."

It was the first time in last twenty minutes, when he saw that arrogant woman's facade falter for some moments. And it brought him immense satisfaction to see her at a loss of words. He hated her audacity to lecture him about powerplay, when it's the only way to rise up in this industry which she was very much indulged in.

"Aren't you so good with words, Mr. Ryu? I almost felt moved for a second. But I never let myself get distracted from my goal, so I will be straightforward with you," Hwang geum ju exclaimed, forging a smile, she continued, "I would like to invest in Doogo logistics to make it international."

"And what if I refuse?" Shi-Oh challenged, raising one of his eyebrows in question. "Will you threaten me?"

"Of course not, I don't do business in unethical ways...But you might end up loosing a very good offer...See you." With that she stood up from her seat and walked out of the room, leaving an agitated Shi-Oh behind.

Hwang geum ju, you get on my nerves.



"Found you..." Shi-Oh whispered, a crazed look gleaming in his eyes as he looked at the woman behind the screen, dressed in his company's uniform. He chuckled in a diabolical kind of mirth, grip tightening on the tablet, he continued, "It's fate...God is on my side."

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