Chapter 12

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There'll be a Russian sentence used, who's translation will be in the comment section of the paragraph.


“Can you do me a favour?” Tsetseg asked Hi-seek with an excessively sweet voice, clutching the phone to her ear. Even though she knew he would probably refuse on her face. “It's really important.”

“And why would I do that? We're not friends,” came his nonchalant voice, irritating her to the core. She knew he wouldn't help her without being threatened. Why did she even try to be sweet to him?

“I'll personally come over and break all your bones, if you refuse,” Tsetseg threatened in a low voice, jaw clenching to give it a realistic effect.

“What do you want?” Hi-seek asked in an exasperated manner after beat of silence. As if was trying to control himself from blurting out anything more. He sounded done with her. But who cared?

“I sent you the photo of a young boy...I need you to do a background check on him and find about his present whereabouts if you can,” she explained, already preparing a convincing lie to feed if he questioned further.

“Who is this boy and why do you want to find him?...Wait, why is this kid in such a horrible condition?” Hi-seek started with a string of questions, perhaps after having seen that picture.

Tsetseg inhaled deeply, “Before I got lost in Mongolia, I used to go to this park daily...I met a boy there, who always used to come covered in bruises on his body...After I befriended him, he told me about his abusive parents...”

“A few days ago, I found this photo of him that I had in my room...So I just wanted to know, if he is doing well in life right now...It would be relieving to know...” she finished her clumsily curated series of lies with a sigh, hoping the man would believe her.

“Don't tell me he was your first love or something,” Hi-seek said in a teasing tone, she could imagine the annoying expression on his face all too well. Before she could say something mean in return, he spoke, “Fine, I'll look into it and reunite you with your childhood crush~”

And just like that he hung up the phone, making Tsetseg close her eyes and take slow breaths in. No matter how irritating that man was, atleast he still was useful. She just hoped that her suspicion would be crystal clear soon enough. Is that boy Ryu Shi-Oh?

Sliding the strap of her small bag around her shoulder, Tsetseg headed out of her room. It was time for her to leave for office, but the lack of sleep from last night was messing with her mind. Or perhaps it was him, who had been messing with her mind since the day she'd met him.

“Even death feels easier when you embrace it, tsetseg.”

Only someone who had experienced death themselves, would comment about it with so much melancholy. His eyes expressed the emotions, which his mouth couldn't. It was the same look, she had witnessed in the boy's eyes when he pleaded for mercy. But now the same look was tangled up with a ruthless kind of madness.

Ryu Shi-Oh, the man was extremely complex in her opinion. With too many shades, too many versions and too many facades. Who was the real him? She couldn't tell. Was it the one whom the police had deemed as a sly criminal? Or the one her mother had labelled as an irredeemable, evil man?

Or...the one who had been so patient and gentle with her? The one who seemed to be obsessively fascinated by her? The one who's smile still held a childlike innocence? Perhaps the one who seemed to have had embraced death once...?

Tsetseg absentmindedly sauntered in the hallway which led towards the living room, before a familiar voice entered her ears. She realised that she was standing infront of her mother's office door, who seemed to be conversing with someone inside. But what made her halt were the words 'Doogo, Ryu Shi-Oh'.

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