Chapter 31

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Cliche mushy chapter with a dash of immature mafia shit

The author has burnt brain cells and no experience in either of the above 🥴


Tsetseg woke up alone, her mind in a slight hazy state before she completely gained her senses. Every single memory of the previous night reeled inside her head, igniting countless emotions inside her heart. She recalled everything from being drugged to searching for Shi-Oh, finding him in a almost life threatening circumstances and...the things that happened after that.

Sitting up straight in bed, her eyes widened, my Shi-Oh? My Shi-Oh?!! What were you thinking?! A silent scream left her lips, before a pink hue creeped up her cheeks. Sighing into her hands, she just accepted her fate of being teased endlessly by a very mischievous man. He won't let me breathe now. Great.

Her eyes wandered around the room, before it landed on a small note on the bedside table. With curious eyes, she grabbed the piece of paper before unfolding it to read its content. It read, I am sorry that I am not by your side when you woke up. As much as I wanted to admire your beautiful face for a little while more, Ms. Hwang urgently called me for a meeting with the detectives. I made breakfast for you, make sure to eat it. —by your Shi-Oh ;)

At first she felt a giddy feeling building up in her heart, but then she saw the emphasized, highlighted your at the end of the note. He already began with the teasing when he wasn't even present there. She could only imagine the scenarios that would take place when he would be by her side. I'll tell him it was the drug....or he's the drug—Shut up!

Throwing off the covers, she put the note back on the table and ran towards the kitchen to satiate her hunger. There she found freshly made pancakes, buttered up and syruped with honey. A beaming smile appeared on her face as she eagerly sat down on the dining table. As soon as she took a bite, it was heaven upon her tongue, that's how delicious it was.

I should make him my personal chef, she thought inwardly while giggling to herself like a teenager with a crush.


Third person pov

“We have tailed all the people you have mentioned, garnering a sufficient amount of evidence against them...but they seem to be well protected by the system, it won't be easy to arrest them,” the head detective voiced out, as Ryu Shi-Oh and Hwang geum ju listened with attentiveness.

“I am aware of that detective Han, these power dynamics and corruption,” Shi-Oh began with a solemn face, voice firm as he continued, “that's why we aim for the weakness. You know how the world works, not everything can be won over with ethics and morals now.”

“Then, what are you suggesting, Mr Ryu?” Hi-seek asked, voice curious and anticipating. As much as he used to dislike the man before, he had grown used to his presence now. The detective was well aware of his entanglements with Namsoon, and he trusted her to be a good judge of character. That's why he had accepted the CEO as their supposed team leader.

“Something immoral?” Shi-Oh replied with a crooked smile, earning a glare from his future mother-in-law, as he liked to adress her inside his mind. Suppressing his amusement, he continued, “What I am suggesting is, that everyone possesses a weakness, no matter how big or small. Even those selfish, immoral bastards, whom we are about to sabotage...So, we'll do this. I'll let you know their weaknesses and you will feed on them.”

“Like a parasite. Let them know how you have captured their most vulnerable part, and would not hesitate to consume it whole if provoked,” he said, eyes darkening slightly, he let out a chuckle,“And then see it all unfold. Is their greed for power and survival more prominent than the well-being of their weakness? I don't think I need to elaborate it any further.”

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