Chapter 16

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“Tsetseg, are you alright?” Shi-Oh asked from beside her.

See, they were currently seated on  first class plane seats side by side, flying all the way to Busan. As excited she was about visiting the city, she was not thrilled about their means of transport being an aircraft. She still couldn't get the last incident out of her brain, yet here she was again, seated on one.

“I am fine. It's just experience with planes hasn't really been pleasant,” she laughed nervously recalling the night she flew to Korea. A amused smile appeared on Shi-Oh's face after hearing the words, as if he also remembered the events of the night where he first saw her. Ha! He doesn't know that I also saw him.

“Dont't worry, I promise to keep you safe and sound...without any inconveniences,” his eyes held a genuine promise about protecting her, while his tone was a little mirthful as if implying a certain incident. “It'll only take an hour till we reach Busan.”

“Shi-Oh, will all the people attending be only business related?” she asked the question that's been circling her mind.

Last night her mother checked the list of people that he had mailed Tsetseg, saying she needed to memorize the details of everyone included. Her mother analysed in hope of finding any evidence, but every single name on the list turned out to be completely stainless, and unrelated with any illegal business. All of the people were successful businessmen with immeculate reputations.

“Yes...I have organised the ceremony as more of a business gathering rather than an inauguration. It will be an impactful tactic to boost Doogo's reputation, and expand it's profits,” Shi-Oh explained, his voice containing a calculative touch reciprocating his eyes. He was a clever businessman indeed.

Tsetseg nodded with a smile, muttering 'great' under her breath while she wondered about his intentions. Was it an attempt to make his legal business a priority? Because instead of focusing on the illegal activities undergoing beneath the disguise of Doogo, he genuinely appeared to be prioritising his pristine and stainless way of making money and influence.

Was he slowly stepping away from his drug business? Or...was all of it still just a facade? Somehow her heart wanted to believe in the first possibility...

The rest of the flight of spent with her constant blabbering about random topics and a patient Shi-Oh listening calmly. At one point, she wondered if was feeling annoyed with her but the look of attentiveness on his face washed away all her doubts. She told him many stories about her childhood in Mongolia, earning countless smiles from him in return.

Time passed away flawlessly, as the announcement of landing on the Busan airport resonated in the first class chamber. They had a car already waiting for them at the airport, guess he wasn't lying about the 'without any inconveniences' part. Shi-Oh and her were seated on the backseat like always while Mr. Heo and Kyle were in the front.

Their clothes and things would be brought straight to their hotel rooms, while they would head straight to the inauguration ceremony. It was gonna be an exhausting day for everyone, because it would all be about, talking and persuading high class individuals in the tone and words of business while still remaining friendly with them...Tsetseg sighed, already feeling tired.

“Tsetseg, if you feel nervous or uncomfortable while talking to someone than just signal Secretary Heo,” Shi-Oh's calm voice interrupted her chain of thoughts, as she turned to face him. “You only have to interact and respond, you can handle it right?”

“Of course, I can. You don't have to worry, I am a fast learner... I'll do my best!” she exclaimed with a smile, while raising her fist in the air to conclude her point. Shi-Oh only chuckled at her antics before nodding his head in understanding.

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