Chapter 36

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Who's ready for the beginning of a really dramatic climax?

But first let's be soooft, I recommend playing Teri jhuki Nazar if you're desi🦋 for the first half of the chapter...

Third person pov

A dreamy golden haze shrouded the room, as quiet rays of sun sneaked through the the window. Tsetseg's skin gleamed with the afterglow of their passionate encounter of last night. She blinked open her eyes in a lazy movement, mind still sleep ridden, only to come across the radiant sight of a dimpled smile. Shi-Oh gazed at her lovingly, face resting on his elbow, while the other ran to caress her cheek softly.

In her sleepy state of mind, Tsetseg passed him a sweet smile, eyes still half closed. After witnessing the adorable action, he couldn't hold himself from leaning closer and pressing a soft kiss on her forehead. Pulling away, he wondered how he got so lucky to be blessed with someone as enchanting and pure as his Tsetseg. She was his miracle, afterall.

"Sleep some more, love. I'll wake you up later," he whispered gently, booping her nose, only to earn a cute scrunch and a tired hum. Smiling at her antics, he kissed her cheek once more, before sliding of the bed and heading towards the bathroom.

The next time that Tsetseg woke up was about two hours later, feeling quite refreshed this time. She realised that Shi-Oh was already awake, feeling a tiny bit disappointed to face an empty bed. Laying on her back for a few minutes, she decided to get up and take a shower. Bad decision. Because the moment she sat up on the bed without recalling her nightly shenanigans, a wince left her lips after feeling a small wave of pain in her lower half.

I am crippled...she concluded dramatically. But didn't give up, as her face burned in embarrassment while throwing away the blanket from her body, which was only dressed in an oversized white tshirt. Inhaling deeply, she turned her feet to the ground and was just about to stand up when a familiar figure entered the room."Tsetseg, what are you doing?"

Shi-Oh didn't wait for her answer, and immediately made his way towards the bed, before picking her up bridal style. The woman yelped at the sudden action, wrapping her arms around his neck instinctively. She blinked at his stupidly handsome face, which was filled with an odd kind of concern. He was dressed in a black knitted, full sleeve sweater and grey sweatpants, with his hair down on his forehead."What are you doing?"

"Carrying you? Isn't that what I am supposed to do? I mean, you must be uncomfortable moving your body right now. Don't worry, I won't let you walk, love. I should take responsibility of what I have done last nig-" the rest of his unabashed words were muffled by Tsetseg's palm pressing against his mouth in embarrassment.

"Stop talking, I am not crippled," she muttered with blazing cheeks, contradicting herself. His lips turned into a smirk under her palm, which she immediately pulled away. Feeling his amused eyes on hers, she shot him a glare of her own, which was anything but intimidating."Put me down, now."

"I can't. And it's definitely not based on your inability to walk, but my overbearing protectiveness. So, please bear with me," Shi-Oh said with his dimpled smile, hearing her sigh in defeat. She silently pointed towards the bathroom, which he compiled without any complaints. He placed her down, just beside the bathtub already filled with hot water.

"I heard that hot baths help with pain, so I prepared one in advance for you. I'll go and prepare the breakfast, take your time," he explained, engaging the familiar warmth in her heart as she bit back her smile. Then he turned to walk out of the bathroom, but turned once again,"Oh, and I brought some clothes of your fit, so you won't be uncomfortable."

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