Chapter 38

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Here comes depressed Shi-Oh and murderous Shi-Oh...

Also, this chapter is written within a timeline of a week, so time will be passing as scenes go by.

Third person pov

The night was insanely dark, countless men died and were injured, while they managed to catch Bread Song. But they did not take him to police station as agreed by the detectives earlier. If they handed him over to the government then he was as free as he was before. They were aware of the corruption, so they instead handed him over to the Hwang family.

Everything was kept a secret, none of the night's incidents were to spread in the outside world. Criminals like him were supposed to be get ridden of without bearing a moral compass. So, oppulenta did their work for the money they were provided and the detectives kept their promise made to Ryu Shi-Oh and Hwang Geum Ju. But that didn't mean Pavel would collapse overnight, though it would weaken it's core.

Shi-Oh did not let go of Tsetseg's unconscious figure until he himself succumbed to the exhaustion and fatigue caused by his physical injuries. He was immediately carried to the hospital while Tsetseg was brought back home as her case was totally different. She needed to be surrounded by the energy exuded by the women of Hwang bloodline, for her to survive.

Her grandmother also returned from her vacation and was horrified at the incidents that took place that night. But the most important thing was to cater to her granddaughters injuries, she was aware of all thre happenings in the past six months. However, she did not interfere as her daughter was a capable woman and she believed in her judgement even when she decided to give Ryu Shi-Oh a second chance.

But Gang Bong Go, was devastated at the new as he came running to see his daughter followed by his son, who was crying nonstop. The night was heavily depressed, as Hi-seek and BinBin were also in the hospital due to the latter being shot in the arm. While the cop only registered minor injuries, as he consoled a teary eyed Hwa ja, for both his and Namsoon's wellbeing.

Another day passed, neither Tsetseg nor Shi-Oh gained back their concious, until the next night the man woke up and ran straight to the Hwang residence to see his girlfriend. No one tried to stop him, because no one could. His eyes stung as he faced the Gang Bong Go, and Tsetseg's brother, silently standing outside her room. While the women of the household were inside the room.

“Why are you here?” Bong Go asked, voice cold and harsh as he marched towards Shi-Oh who stayed silent. The man scoffed before speaking again,“Because of you my daughter is battling between life and death and you have the audacity to come here and claim to see her?”

“Mr. Gang, please...I need to see her,” the vulnerable man only whispered, swallowing down the knot in his throat as he faced the angry man. Bong Go refused, but Shi-Oh didn't give up, he would not leave her side for a second. Or else he'll die.

“No one is allowed to enter this room, other than the women until they let you,” Bong Go stated with a straight face, before he turned around to leave the place and headed towards his room. Nam-in stared in pity at the man now facing the floor with a dejected face and decided to step forward.

“Hyung,” he spoke up earning Shi-Oh's attention, who still looked better than the day of the incident, but still had scars on his skin. “I am sorry on appa's behalf, he just angry and sad. He didn't mean to yell at you...And no one is allowed to enter Namsoon's room because, she needs to absorb the energy of eomma and grandma. The process is most effective at night, so you can see her in the morning.”

“Thank you, Nam-in,” Shi-Oh replied with a pained smile, making the other man nod his head and walk away as well. Now, he was left alone in the hallway, with his bleeding heart and depreciating mind.

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