Chapter 26

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Tsetseg had been worrying since morning, afterall it was a matter of great concern. It had been two days since her mother was convinced to help Shi-Oh and vice-versa. After that she probably had a talk with Hi-seek, followed by other detectives later. And today Shi-Oh had a meeting with all of them including her mother, she couldn't help but worry.

Though her mother had already convinced the detectives, Tsetseg still could not take this matter lightly. They were government officials while Shi-Oh was the man who had been on their list for too long. It would not be that easy to accept him as an ally, considering he was a criminal in their eyes.

“Tsetseg, the car is ready,” Shi-Oh's voice interrupted her concerned fills thoughts, gaining her attention in an instant. She looked at his perfect smile, which somehow melted away her anxiousness. Wait...what?

“Let's go then,” she said, reciprocating his expression before they started to head out of the building. Reaching the car, he opened the door for her as usual, then walked towards his own side and got in.

Tsetseg looked at his face which was indecipherable, not showcasing a hint of worry or nervousness. She knew he was not scared but deep down there was a fear of judgement within his eyes. Human beings did not make him afraid, it was their words and thoughts. Even if he tried to hide his vulnerabilities, infront of her they were always bare.

Maybe he deliberately left them transparent or maybe she knew him too much now.

“Shi-Oh, is anything bothering you?” she asked softly, eyes not wavering away from his face. He faced her with small smile, before taking one of her hands in his and bringing it close to his mouth. Planting a soft kiss, he just admired her face silently.

“Don't worry about me, Tsetseg. All I need is you by my side, that's reason enough to erase all my worries,” Shi-Oh confessed, warming her heart for the nth time. His thumb carelessly caressed the top of her hand, and his expression turned mischievous all of a sudden, before he added, “but if you let me hold your hand for a while... that would be immensely helpful.”

“You weren't lying about being shameless, were you?” Tsetseg said, trying to hide her flustered self under a tauntful facade. He only shook his head, causing her to pull back her hand from his grip. With a sweet smile, she added, “well, persistence doesn't work on me.”

“Then, I'll have to prove you wrong, love,” he responded with the same teasing yet promising tone. And what was with that nickname, love? What was this? A Korean drama?

Your heart fluttered that's why you're being so defensive aren't you? A voice in the back of her mind taunted leaving her speechless.


They were back in her mother's study, and the humongous hidden room she had for meetings. She saw her mother emerging from the inside, eyes settling on Shi-Oh's nonchalant face. He bowed towards her in greeting which she accepted with a neutral before gesturing the to follow her inside. Tsetseg looked at Shi-Oh, and found him already looking at her with a reassuring smile.

Shi-Oh straightened his posture, an aura of confidence and authority surrounding his figure before he stepped into the room. Several eyes turned their focus on him, including Hi-seek's who had an unreadable expression. Tsetseg stood beside him calmly assessing everyone's face to find anything resentful. Fortunately, everyone was rather neutral.

“Hello, detectives,” Shi-Oh greeted in a deep authoritive voice, approaching the table. Her mother already took her seat at the head of the table while the other head was left for him. The detectives didn't speak but bowed a little nonetheless. Shi-Oh sat down on his designated seat, followed by Tsetseg, who sat down on the seat adjacent to his.

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