Chapter 9

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A long chapter ahead, like y'all wanted.


Tsetseg was getting ready for her new job. The same one to which she did not show up on the very first day. It wasn't intentional of her to skip the first day but the matter hand was more important than a good first impression on her boss.

She was devastated to find out from Mr. Han, that a worker in the warehouse had passed away from overexertion. She had met him once, in a really unhealthy state but he kept working like his life depended on it. And it indeed was, because even for a part timer he used work twice as hard than a normal employee.

Mr. Han has briefed her about the man's impoverished financial state, and how he would work multiple jobs to feed his family. All of it was too much for Tsetseg to handle, she could not stop herself from finding out his contact details and heading towards his house to meet his family.

They were in a very miserable condition, living in a barely concrete house and a dangerous neighborhood. She met his wife and his teenage son who were in great grief after his death, and much more about how they could not even offer him a descent funeral. This broke her heart to pieces.

Tsetseg promised them to give him a respectful goodbye and also convinced them to accept the financial aide she wanted to provide. After an hour or so she took her leave with a heart drenched in sadness and pity. She felt grateful for the life she had recieved from both her Mongolian and birth parents.

Not everyone is lucky like you, though.

She exhaled deeply before wearing the watch, Hi-seek had provided her the other night. He informed her about the camera and speaker installed in this watch, which she should keep on at all times around Ryu Shi-Oh and everything related to him. It felt like an invasion of privacy, although it was the main purpose.

Lookin in the mirror, she examined her outfit ones again, which consisted of olive green suit and trousers. Accompanied by cream shirt underneath, while her long black hair were left free with a single Mongolian bread cascading down. As an accessory, she also wear a pair of round glasses.

I look kind of ugly... She thought shaking her head.


Twenty minutes later, she found herself sitting on her designated table on the corporate relations team's department in Doogo's main building. The woman sitting beside her had been quiet friendly, and made her feel comfortable within a small amount of time. The team manager did glare at her after hearing her informal tone, though.

Tsetseg was just about to ask about what kind of she needed to do, before the landline on her table started ringing. She picked up without hesitation, and heard Shi-Oh's voice coming from the other side, “Tsetseg come to my office right now.”

“Alright,” she replied with false enthusiasm, when in reality she felt kind of nervous. Hanging up the phone, she immediately stood up from her chair and made her way towards the elevator.

There was something she wanted to test today, something that was not part of her mission but a fragment of her own brewing curiosity. Before finding out about the deeds a person committed, it was better to know his character first. Because one's deeds did not always define their character.

Her Mongolian mother used to say, that a person who was angry, was just as honest as someone who was drunk. That a person's real character and personality emerges when they are blinded by emotions without logic and reasoning. How they'd treat you in anger was how they'd wish to treat you.

While she did not completely agree, there was some truth in that logic.

That's why, today she would be herself around Ryu Shi-Oh, her unfiltered and annoying self as many had claimed. Though it was the side in which was the most vulnerable in, something she would only show to the people she was close too. Like her family and close friends, but she really wanted to find out who the man behind that facade was.

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