Chapter 14

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Tsetseg stared at the cute little bunny keychain in her hand, a soft smile embracing her lips. She had never expected to receive such a meaningful gesture from Shi-Oh. When she gave him the token of friendship, as she called it, it was in the heat of the moment. There was no thinking involved, all she wanted was to ease the tension.

But after receiving this gift today, she somehow felt happy yet remorseful. Because, what even was this friendship? It was solely based on lies and deceit. She had a straight goal, which was to gain information about Shi-Oh's underlying illegal business and collect evidence regarding it. Because he was criminal...

Then why couldn't she stop herself from getting involved with him to such an extent? There was no relation between them, nothing. She curiously digged up his past, and now it wouldn't stop haunting her. He was a victim himself, how was she supposed to blindly direct her hate and disgust towards him? Everything regarding that man was conflicting.

No. She couldn't let herself get distracted like that. No matter what, he was still the person who distributed deadly drugs across the country, resulting in countless deaths. Indirectly so, he was still committing crimes which were unforgivable...but did he really had a choice? Was it really all happening with his own will?

Shaking her head, Tsetseg hanged the bunny keychain around her bag, which she carried to the office. Then, she walked out of her room, heading towards the dining room to refill her empty stomach. Thinking about all these things only made her want to bang her head against the wall. She needed a break, even though it was just dinner.

In the living she saw her mother and father sitting together, discussing something before they noticed her presence. She saw her mother stand up and walk towards her with a solemn face, with her father following behind silently. Stoping infront of Tsetseg, she spoke,"Namsoon-ah, why did you interrupted me today? I was talking."

"Eomma, what you said today wasn't appropriate at all. You shouldn't have said something so insensitive about him being a puppet of Pavel..." Tsetseg stated calmly, observed her mother's expression turn more surprising.

"Are you defending him right now? What do you mean I was being insensitive? He is a puppet of Pavel, Namsoon-ah... He's the person who's causing numerous death across the country every day," her mother said in an exasperated hurry, gazing into her eyes, "It was my goal to provoke him all along."

"I understand what you were trying to do. But you know about the orphan matter, what if he's also a victim of that? Is it still alright to blame him for every single thing?" Tsetseg held back her tongue, trying not to reveal Shi-Oh's past like a fact. She felt the need to keep it hidden from everyone else, until he admitted it on his own.

"You heard about it? I don't think he's a victim at all...that man has a purely evil aura. Not once have I seen him vulnerable through our interactions...How can you even pose such an assumption?" she sighed, tired of her mother's constant arguments against Shi-Oh.

"At this point, you have already decided of him as someone evil. You've already gained a prejudiced perspective of him..." Tsetseg whispered, wanting to completely escape this conversation now. Her mother seemed convinced of Shi-Oh's wrong doings already.

Before another string of arguments could leave her mother's mouth, a feminine voice echoed from a distance. Tsetseg turned towards the source, only get astounded by seeing s familiar face, who was approaching them with hesitation. Ri Hwa ja, was there in all her glory, dressed in lavender full sleeve top and high-waisted loose jeans.

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