Chapter 32

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From now on, you'll see the Segshi couple, TsetSEG+SHI-oh....hahaha

*laughter dies down in an awkward silence*

*clears throat* That's their ship name, idc.


Tsetseg was the brand ambassador for spontaneously dumb decisions which always led to extremely embarrassing and dignity crushing situations for her. Becasuse what was the need for her to get drunk over an ancient alcohol recipe and than drunk dial Shi-Oh and then accuse him of cheating and then kiss him without thinking and then say I love you in Mongolian, which he probably thought was gibberish.

I should dig a grave. A deep one.

“How unfair, Tsetseg,” Shi-Oh started his usual streak of teasing, which he had been maintaining since yesterday. Smirking, he continued as he approached the woman sitting on his office couch,“you always accused me of being shameless...but turns out it was you all along. I mean, I did not really mind you kissing me unashamed but a warning would have been helpful for my tender heart.”

“If you said another word about this, I will officially be breaking up with you,” she threatened with a sweet smile, and his expression dropped, before he cleared his throat. This sentence seemed to work magic on this stubborn, flirtatious and sometimes annoying man. She heard him muttering a 'I am sorry.'

Of course it works. This man has been waiting since chapter eighteen to become my boyfriend.

Then she stood up, having enough of his antics and decided to head towards her department to do some real work. As soon as she turned around, two muscled arms coiled around her waist from behind and pulled her against a hard chest. She gasped at the gesture, feeling the culprit nuzzling his face in her neck. Did she forgot to mention how damn touchy this man could get?

“How can you leave me alone, right after saying something so harsh?” he whispered against her ear, warm breath caressing her skin. It was the first time he was back hugging her, and it made her heart race. But then he said something that brought her out of the dazed state,“And you still haven't told me the meaning of the sentence you said. I might overthink and believe it's something scandalous."

“How...delusional can you get?” she said, trying to keep her voice unwavering and also ignoring the feeling of his lips grazing the skin of her jaw. “You have no right to demand a translation, when you say stuff in Russian all the time. I feel like getting a translator sometimes.”

“Fair enough. I'll wait till you graciously tell me the meaning,” he said, and she could sense the smile in his tone. Tsetseg could feel herself reciprocating the the expression, as she felt him resting his chin on the top of her head as he held her close. Her fingers gripped the fabric of his suit on his arms and the couple stayed like that for a few seconds.

“Let me go now, I have work to do, you giant,” she said before pulling away from his embrace which he reluctantly loosened. Turning around to face him, she was once again met with the unbelievable sight of his pout. Holding back her smile, she abruptly reached to peck his cheek before running out of the room.

Unaware of the man, who stood there silently with a pink hue appearing on the apple of his cheeks and a raging heart for a few unnoticeable seconds.


Third person pov

“I will finalise the layout after doing a survey, make sure everything is ready until then,” Shi-Oh ordered calmly, causing his secretary to nod politely before focusing back on the road, while he silently read the contents of the file in his hand.

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