Chapter 37

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Okay, guys so I am an humanities student who barely passed in science...but since I HAVE to use some science in this story, I'll add some, even if it sounds illogical...

Just remember the story of how the first vaccine was discovered, which we all know. The logic of cow pox and chicken pox, and how one became a preventive measure for the other. Because our immune system had already produced antibodies during one of the disease, hence the other one became repulsive.

Just remember this as you progress further into the chapter 😭

And I tried to give this chapter a movie like feel. I mean I grew up watching Bollywood climaxes—so...

4.5k words ahead.

Third person pov

Tsetseg stared at the glistening screen of her phone with red rimmed eyes, and a clotted throat. The location that was sent on her device was an hour away, on the outskirts of Seoul, inside a manufacturing factory for automobiles. She knew about the place, it was shut down a few months ago because the owner surrendered himself and confessed his connections with Pavel.

Clenching her jaw, she didn't waste anytime before heading towards her destination. She did not want to waste a second, knowing the things they could out Shi-Oh through. Using her super speed was the only way she could reach him faster. Horrifying thoughts emerged in the dark pits of her mind, but a rational part of her was aware that they would keep him alive. He was the bait afterall.

As much as she wanted to leave any kind of clue behind, taking the risk was not in her favour because the bastard could keeping tabs on her. And she would rather die than let the conclusion of her stupidity harm Shi-Oh. But she had to find a way to communicate with the others, everything appeared to be a trap, that man had something big planned.

BinBin dialled Shi-Oh's number for the hundredth time, but it was found to be switched off. He sped up his car, driving up to meet Hi-seek and Ms. Hwang at Doogo. A horrible feeling was digging in his heart, as he heard the sky grumble with an ominous  undertone. Something was wrong, he could feel it in his bones, both Hi-seek and Ms. Hwang were just as exasperated when they couldn't reach Shi-Oh. It all felt like a set-up.

Within five minutes, he was walking out of the elevator, immediately heading towards his friend's office. His feet halted as soon as he pulled open the door, Secretary Heo was sitting there with a bruised up face. While Hi-seek and Ms. Hwang looked distraught, knowing something he wasn't aware of. Then his brother spoke,“Kyle...he drugged Shi-Oh. And now he's nowhere to found.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” BinBin sneered, eyes darkening at the piece of information before facing the woman with a questioning look. And all he was met with a blank face and hollowed eyes, his heart lurched. Then, he marched towards the secretary,“Tell me what happened in detail? Don't you dare lie.”

“This evening...I was preparing the meeting room for Mr. Ryu and I heard Kyle talking to someone on the phone in Russian. But he didn't know that I can also speak the language on some level...he was talking to the Nozh,” the man swallowed, eyes still remnant of whatever he went through.“When he found out, he attacked me and left me unconscious in the lower department's storage room...It was too late when I woke up.”

“That Russian bastard,” Hi-seek cursed under his breath. Then he turned to look at Hwang Geum Ju, who seemed to had said something but almost inaudible.

“Namsoon...we need to tell her, before she finds out on her own and do something reckless,” Guem ju said tiredly, making both BinBin and Hi-seek think.

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