Chapter 24

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Third person pov

Shi-Oh stood infront of the Hwang residence, dressed formally in a brown three piece suit with his hair perfectly styled. Afterall, he was here for business purposes, he had to make an effort to appear professional. Also, he was not planning to let his guard down in front of Hwang geum ju, as the woman was still his enemy.

“Shi-Oh,” he heard a familiar voice calling out his name, pulling him out of his calculative thoughts. An involuntary smile appeared on his face, as he saw Tsetseg rushing towards him from the exit of the mansion. Stopping right before him, she spoke again, “Why are you standing here like a statue? Come on in.”

“I just have this feeling of a lamb being lured into the butcher house,” he replied, a playful glint shining in his dark eyes. The remark only made the woman role her eyes, and grab him by that wrist to drag him inside. He just followed mindlessly, focusing on the feeling of her hand on his wrist.

Tsetseg successfully pulled the man inside, seeing her mother already standing in the living room with her arms crossed over her chest and stoic expression on her face. They stopped at a respectable distance, before she turned her head to look at Shi-Oh, who had the same cold look on his face. She sighed internally at their enmity.

“It's been long, Ms. Hwang,” he said monotonously, causing her mother to scoff at his feigned politeness. Then her eyes drifted downwards, causing Tsetseg to follow her gaze, before realising that she was still holding onto Shi-Oh's wrist. She saw her mother squint on their adjoined, hands.

Shi-Oh noticed the whole exchange sharply, before a devious smirk appeared on his lips. Just to agitate the woman infront of him, he casually slipped his hand completely in Tsetseg's, even lacing their fingers together. Tsetseg looked at him in surprise while, Hwang geum ju narrowed her eyes and suddenly fumed,“Namsoon-ah! Are you dating him?”

He saw the aforementioned woman's eyes widened at the accusation, but before she could say anything, Shi-Oh slyly fuelled the fire with a challenging smirk on his lips, “Yes, we are. Is there a problem?"

“Shi-Oh!” Tsetseg scolded the man, passing him a cute glare causing him to let go of her hand immediately. Then she hastily turned to her fuming mother, “We're not dating. He's just messing with you.”

She definitely heard Shi-Oh inaudibly muttering 'yet' under his breath, but decided to ignore it. Her mother just turned around without another word, walking towards her study. Tsetseg looked at Shi-Oh with an accusing look, in return he just passed her an utmost innocent expression. This little devil.

“Why did you irritate her that much?” she asked, walking beside him as the headed towards the study room where her mother had just disappeared to. It would be better if they talk there instead of the living room. “You were completely enjoying it!”

“I was returning the favour, keeping debts is not part of my morals,” she sighed at his nonchalant reply, shaking her head in frustration. How would these two manage to get along when they were behaving like this? It was like babysitting two grown ups who hated eachother's guts. That's the correct description.

Reaching the study door, she turned to look at him with a supposedly stern expression before speaking, “As soon as we enter this room, behave. Alright ?”

“Yes, ma'am,” Shi-Oh pledged with amusement gleaming inside his dark eyes, and a small smile covering his lips.

Satisfied with his response, Tsetseg knocked on the door before entering inside the room. She saw her mother sitting on one of the chairs settled around a long, mahogany table, resembling the one in a meeting room. Hwang geum ju gestured Shi-Oh to take the seat right across her, both of them sitting on the head of the table.

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