Chapter 19

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It was a minor food poisoning, that's what the doctor had said as soon as she reached the hospital. Nam-in had been taking an unhealthy diet to loose weight for quite some days, and then he had a full meal all of a sudden. That was the reason for his deteriorating health, not some drug that got into his system. It was a relief for everyone. Especially Tsetseg.

She really didn't want to blame Shi-Oh for that...

But her mother seemed rather not convinced with the doctors predicament, she insisted to do some tests. Her words regarding Nam-in's weight were a little insensitive, which caused her father to erupt and confront her. She had never seen her parents fighting like that, it was heart wrenching to witness, but deep down she knew her father was right. His words still rang inside her mind.

“You are being selfish! The only thing you care about is making money and saving the world. You don't care about your children at all! I always told you not to fat shame our Nam-in, told you not to make him insecure about his weight but you never listened. All you care about is your opinion, and I am sick of it,” his words cut sharp like a knife, she could see it on her mother's face.

For the first time, her mother stood there silent with her head lowered, perhaps she was guilty. Her father stayed the whole night with her brother while her mother returned back to her office without saying anything. They hadn't spoke to each other since then. In the midst of all this chaos, Tsetseg missed her Eej and Aav very much.

She had called them last night, and talked for hours. It felt so refreshing, all her worries just melted away for a span of time. But what surprises her was her father's sudden question, “Have you found our son in law yet, Tsetseg?” Tsetseg genuinely forgot about her initial mission, to get a groom. She just laughed and said, it's an ongoing process...

Tsetseg was skipping work today, that's what she had decided while laying awake on her bed like a corpse all night. It may sound ridiculously childish, but she had no idea how to face Shi-Oh after whatever happened last night. She had never, in her wildest dreams, had ever imagined Shi-Oh confessing to her. Becasuse whaaaat?

She considered him as a friend. A dear, caring friend who she was also betraying behind his back. See, so many problematic things in only once sentence about their relationship. How was she supposed to manage this new...proposal? It was all so sudden and new...and dangerous!

Rolling on her bed, she mewled in conflict while burying her face in her blanket. It was all chaos, her life, all of it was chaos. Her mother hadn't spoken to anyone in the past fourteen hours, and her father hadn't left Nam-in's side for even a moment. She had tried to comfort both of them, but in the end, space was the most necessary thing that they needed.

Her mind wandered back to Shi-Oh, but this time it was filled with grim thoughts. Pavel was still there controlling him for their own benefits, when he had already suffered so much. And now he had became a criminal in the eyes of law, leaving him nowhere to escape. He was trapped, more than anyone...

And she knew he wasn't evil, not in the slightest, instead, he was caring, kind and genuine. He trusted her, listened to her opinions, honestly told her his. She was the one who was a liar, a decieving friend who would eventually hurt him. Tsetseg despised the thought of hurting him in the slightest, or imagining his innocent smile vanish away forever.

I can't hurt him...

Sighing, she checked her phone, it was almost two in the afternoon and she hadn't left her bed all day. Her eyes landed on the multiple missed calls from a certain man. She felt guilty for not picking up his calls, but she did not have the courage to talk to him right now. That's why she put it on voicemail. But Shi-Oh seemed restless enough to leave her a voice mail.

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