Chapter 2

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Tsetseg was intolerably annoyed by the man standing in front of her, who had been trying hard to pull the golden trophy out of her hand from the past thirty seconds. She wanted to roll her eyes at his persistent attitude, because how can someone be so damn difficult.

She could understand that it was an important investigation of drugs as he had explained it to her. But confiscating all of her belongings like that without any proof of her carrying drugs, frustrated her to the core. He even took away pappa's mane hair and ankle bone! And now he wanted to take away the only thing which connected the woman to her birth parents.

“Let go of it, ” the cop gritted out as he failed to snatch the gold trophy out of her hand. His face seemed blue as if it took all of his strength to keep holding onto the metal.

“You let it go, it's mine.” Tsetseg scoffed, pulling the trophy out of his hand in a single harsh tug, making the man lose his balance and fall face first onto the counter seperating their bodies.

Gasps were heard around her but she did not care at the given moment, busy wiping the metal in her hand while passing subtle glances to the man infront of her. To be honest, he looked more frustrated than her because of the current situation as she saw him took a deep breath with closed eyes.

And then he snapped them open with a tight smile on his face, “Look miss, you're making this difficult for the  both of us, so why don't we be nice to each other as I take your stuff for inspection and you kindly co-operate with me?”

The absolutely non-cooperating and blank look on Tsetseg's face seemed to infuriate him even further. Taking pity on his mental and emotional state right now, she decided to open her mouth with reluctance, “I really don't want to fight with you. You can take all the other stuff but this, it means a lot to me...I can't give this up.”

“That only makes you more suspicious. If you keep on holding onto that trophy, we might need to take you in for questioning as well. So make your decision right now, ” the cop said, his voice filled with resolve as he looked at the young woman with solemn eyes.

Tsetseg felt a familiar burn in her eyes, feeling her throat getting all clogged up. It might have seemed immature and even childish to anyone who would have had noticed her at that momen. But she didn't care, she was never the best one to hide her feelings, no matter how embarrassing it got for her.

This trophy meant the world to her, the only thing that felt like home, something with a sense of belonging. To her, it was the only souvenir of her family that she cherished with all of her heart. Letting go of it felt like a crime to her, an unforgivable one at that so she spoke firmly, “I need this to find my mom...why can't you understand that I can't give this up? It's the only trace I have left of her...So please.”

As soon as she finished her sentence, the man's eyes seemed to be soften while his serious demeanor faded away, “Have you been separated from your parents? I am sorry for being so harsh...but it's a safety procedure we must follow. I can't let you go without proper screening of your stuff...but you don't have to worry I'll try my best to find your parents.”

“And how will you help me? I don't trust you...” Tsetseg trailed off, side eyeing the cop with squinted eyes which made him smile in disbelief.

“See, that is kind of my job since I am a detective. So you have no choice but to trust me...Gan hi-seek, nice to meet you, ” the man introduced, holding out his hand for a shake only to be stared down by the mongolian woman.

Tsetseg really had no choice but to trust him as he said, and even though he had been a little persistent in taking in her stuff, he wasn't exactly rude. Gan hi-seek was only doing his job as a police officer, it was her who  was being a nuisance and causing him trouble. Sighing she clasped his hand in her and gave it a weak shake, “Tset–I mean Gang Namsoon. My name is Gang Namsoon”

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