Chapter 7

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You... Tsetseg. I am mesmerized by you.”

Tsetseg couldn't process what was happening. She couldn't comprehend the enigma of a man sitting infront of her. He said the words with such sincerity that she felt goosebumps arise on her skin. And not to mention his eyes, which were expressive beyond measure, yet so deeply obscured.

Gathering herself, she mentally prepared for whatever wierd shit she was about to blurt out, before leaning forward as if telling him a secret and asking, “Do you wanna be friends with me?”

The response came almost immediately as she saw Ryu Shi-Oh mimicking her posture and smiling slightly, “Yes, I do.”

Celebrating internally, she pulled out her phone out of her pocket and held it towards the man. Getting his personal information should be the first step. “Then give me your phone number.”

He grabbed it out of her hand without hesitation, putting in his number. It gave her a chance to scrutinize his office once more, looking for anything remotely suspicious. Her gaze settled back on the man after roaming for a few seconds, right before he raised his head to look at her. She passed him another harmless smile.

“Since we've exchanged numbers...How about having dinner with me tonight?” Ryu Shi-Oh asked, handing back Tsetseg's phone.

As tempting of a offer it was to gain more insight on him, she really did not have the mental strength to deal with him right now. And she also had plans with her father to got to the amusement park. “Nope. I have plans today. I'll pick a date and text you, and we can have dinner...You can treat me to meat then.”

His expression turned to dejection for a second before he went back to his usual persona. “Guess I'll have to wait for the next time then...I hope to you soon, Tsetseg.”

“Sure. I'll have to leave now...I again apologise for stealing. See you,” with a small nod, she bid him goodbye and turned towards the exit. The atmosphere was a little too suffocating for her, she needed to get out as soon as possible.

But before she could take s single step forward, a gentle yet firm grip around her wrist made her turn back. Shi-Oh stood towering over her, making her feel small before his colossal built. Her breath got caught on her throat, a little bit of fear also trickled in as she looked into his dazed eyes.

“Make sure to contact me... I'll treat you to meat,” he said, eyes blazing with fascination as he looked at her stunned face. Not trusting her voice, Tsetseg only nodded her head with a tight smile, making him loosen his grip. And the next moment she was out of the room.

What have I gotten myself into? She lamented on her whole way out of the building.


“I got his phone number, ” Tsetseg revealed to the eagerly waiting Hi-seek, who seemed at a loss of words after her description of the whole interaction between her and Shi-Oh.

“And he gave it to you just like that? Are you sure he's not suspecting you and already planning to lure you into his dark dungeon, so that he could slaughter you like the meat he promised to treat you, ” the idiot finished his dramatic monologue with some wierd sound effects of a knife slicing.

“I don't have time for your stupid jokes. You brought your car right? Drive me to the amusement park, ” Tsetseg said, more like ordered the baffled cop, who just scoffed at her bossy tone.

“I am not your driver. Go take a taxi or something, ” he muttered trying to walk away from her, but sadly couldn't. Because seconds later, Tsetseg pulled him back by his collar while he struggled to be free. He sighed, “You're being unfair and misusing your strength.”

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