Chapter 33

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This chapter was a last minute addition to the story...

I realised that it lacked character interaction and interpersonal bonds in this book. So I decided to dedicate a chapter to that.

Get your friendship playlist ready!

Third person pov

“You will love the food there, I am telling you! I went there with Nam-in a few days ago,” Tsetseg said with enthusiasm coating her voice, as she boasted about the restaurant that she visited last week. They were going for lunch together with...a blank faced BinBin sitting mechanically in the backseat.

See, their first encounter last night was as disastrous as possible, causing them both to deny Shi-Oh's offer for dinner without thinking. So, after a lot of persuasion, the sly man convinced them to have lunch together. Though, reluctant at first Tsetseg agreed and decided to take them to her new favourite restaurant. While BinBin was kind of...abducted.

It looked like Shi-Oh was really passionate about mending things between the two. Hence, the three of them were heading towards the supposed restaurant without any outsider. Tsetseg kept talking on the whole way while BinBin kept adding annoying remarks to rile her up purposefully. And all of it made Shi-Oh realise what he and Ms. Hwang had made Tsetseg go through.

Taste your own medicine now. A voice in his head taunted.

“Do you ever stop talking or is this another one of your impeccable traits?” BinBin asked, sarcasm dripping his tone, making the woman turn around to glare at him. He only smiled innocently,“First time encountering a super human, just curious.”

“How about I show you my impeccable trait of breaking bones like twigs—”

“We are here, Tsetseg,” Shi-Oh interjected the constant banter between the two as the car came to a halt. Huffing, the woman turned away from the man who masked his fear with a roll of his eyes. Internally, he was thankful for the interruption of his friend. She could break my neck like a twig without a doubt. He found himself thinking.

Tsetseg and BinBin got out of the car, while Shi-Oh drove off to find a perfect parking spot. The area was situated a little away from the main food area of Seoul, where best of the best restaurants could be found. Though underrated, it was pretty lively with multiple food zones and people bustling in the street. But it wasn't as crowded as the heart of the city, which was immensely refreshing.

“Stop standing here like a pole and start moving your feet, or a truck might sweep you away,” Tsetseg said monotonously, gaining the attention of the immobile man who was observing his surroundings. They were standing on a two way street, an authorised zone.

“Sure, try to keep up with your tiny legs,” the man replied with a sugar coated smile before walking off along the street, purposefully taking longer strides. But before he could celebrate his childish victory, he heard a zap sound and the next second, the woman of his nightmare was standing infront of him. He backed away with a dramatic yelp.

“Can you repeat your sentence, please?” Tsetseg asked with mocking smile, hearing nothing but silence from the lowkey terrified man. Scoffing she turned around and started to walk away, not before muttering a,“That's what I thought.”

Skipping happily, the woman turned around a corner entering another street, but then she froze, her eyes landing on a familiar figure—no, scratch that two familiar figures. She enhanced her vision, and her eyes widened at the scenario playing infront of her. There, on a empty bench were sitting Hwa ja and Hi-seek, holding hands while giggling at eachother.

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