Chapter 39

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The last chapter 😭

Lol, I feel like a mother sending her daughter to her sasural ( in-laws house )

This book is my daughter. And this chapter is dedicated to all of my lovely readers, who supported me on this journey. The silent readers too! I love you guys.

Third person pov

“I miss you so much, love,” Shi-Oh whispered, pressing a soft kiss on Tsetseg's forehead before pulling back to admire her face with melancholic eyes. It had been a week and he was longing to hear her voice, to see her smile. But all he could do was talk to her, wishing that she would wake up and embrace him. “Today, I am going to be truly free, Tsetseg. Completely unbound and without restrictions. Pavel would just become an ugly chapter of my life.”

“And...I wanted you to be the witness of my freedom...It was granted by your afterall,” he smiled lovingly towards her, intertwining his fingers with hers. She looked much better, the glow on her face had returned, no longer ashen. And it increased his hopes.

Kissing her for the last time, he glanced at her once and then walked out of the room. Only to meet the sight of his future mother-in-law standing there, with Mr. Gang. He bowed slightly towards the non-couple,“Good morning, Ms. Hwang and Mr. Gang.”

“The nozh is dead, your friend informed us this morning. Is it because of you, Shi-Oh?” the woman asked straightforwardly, making her ex-husband's eyes widen a little in surprise. Her face didn't hold any kind of anger, only curiosity, though she already knew the answer. “I heard you tortured him to death.”

“Yes, I did so, without any remorse. And I won't hesitate to do it again, if someone dared to hurt Tsetseg...or the people I consider,” Shi-Oh replied without hesitation, face emotionless yet eyes holding a certain conviction and vulnerability. Ms. Hwang only sighed and nodded her head in understanding, while Mr. Gang was...baffled.

“The distribution of the drug has ceased in most part of the country, so we don't need to manufacture the antidote in bulk. Keep it safe and hidden. I'll spread the rumours of it's formula being destroyed,” Hwang Geum Ju stated, even though it was vague, her son-in-law seemed to understand it perfectly.

The antidote must be kept safe, and that would be by erasing it's existence.

“I will heed to it as soon as possible. For today, I have an important task to complete,” Shi-Oh said, earning a nod in return. Then his curious eyes turned to the man beside, who seemed to want to say something. Shi-Oh waited patiently, before the man spoke up finally.

“I have been meaning to have a conversation with you from the past few days...I know I have been quiet rude and harsh on you without any proper reason, blinded by rage and sadness...But I truly want to thank you for everything you have done for my daughter. You have protected her more than her own father ever could, and loved her unconditionally...As her father, I think that no man other than you would be more perfect for her,” Gang Bong Go poured out his heart.

Shi-Oh blinked twice, letting the words settle deep in his mind before he smiled with respect. He could see Ms. Hwang also smiling from the sidelines, as he spoke up,“Thank you for trusting me, Mr. Gang. But she's the one who has always protected me, who has loved me unconditionally. She was like the daylight in my darkest nights...I am the one who could never find someone as perfect as her.”

Gang Bong Go was moved by the words of sincerity that poured through the young man's heart. His eyes gleamed with undeterred love, respect and devotion for Namsoon. The older man could now understand the reason for why his ex-wife had chose to trust someone, that was once her enemy. She learned to come over her prejudices, and accept a human that was no different than anyone.

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