Chapter 15

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Tsetseg had noticed something unusual about the shipments of the supposed drug all of a sudden. When she first joined the warehouse as a worker, there was much more caution and secrecy about the products that were being shipped. But from the last two days, the process seemed to had turned a little nonchalant. As if there was nothing to hide.

And she also observed how some of the shipments seemed to be delaying off. What was Shi-Oh upto? If Pavel was the one who controlled Doogo's strings, then why would he be so careless about it all of a sudden? It was indeed strange.

Hi-seek had told her about the bugs which were planted on the Heritage club by him. But there hadn't been any valuable information that could benefit them and pose as an evidence. He concluded that every person he had heard speaking till now, was probably discussing things in some kind of code. Ryu Shi-Oh was smarter than I had intended, he had said to her.

That was something Tsetseg agreed to, he was no doubt very clever. And she sometimes wondered what made him trust her so easily, he sure would have had investigated her backround with precision. Then how come he didn't dig deep enough and trusted her almost blindly?

Her thoughts were interupped, when she felt the elevator ding, indicating that she had reached her destination. Which was none another than the floor where Shi-Oh's office was located, as he she had summoned her there. When he called, his voice held a solemn layer to it, mixed with a kind of insecurity, perhaps? Was he alright?

She entered his office after knocking twice like always, and saw him facing the window yet again. It was strange how he hadn't seemed to notice her presence, as if indulged in deep introspection. So she tried to get his attention, “Shi-Oh, you called me?”

He slowly turned around, eyes possessing an uncertain gleam before walking closer to her. His face was devoid of any emotion, casting a tensed aura in the the atmosphere surrounding them. Tsetseg blinked, watching him stand at an arms distance, before speaking up,“Tsetseg...If I kill someone, would you hate me?”

The question itself astonished the woman, but more than that it was the vulnerability that escaped through his dark empty eyes. His voice might have had sounded monotonous, she could hear the supressed emotions lying beneath. His gaze was restless, unwavering, impatiently waiting for her answer.

“No. I would first ask you why and whom you murdered...and it wouldn't be because of my morals, but because I'd want to know what caused my friend to take a life like that...” Tsetseg stated each word with emphasis, never breaking the intense eye contact between the two.

His lips quivered almost unnoticeably, while his eyes seemed to be set ablaze after hearing her words. Intaking a sharp breath, he spoke,“What if the person is supposedly innocent? What then, Tsetseg?”

“Then...” she started looking deep into his eyes, which were filled with conviction and continued with a firm voice, “I would never see your face again.”

Although Shi-Oh did not look astounded, the shine in his eyes flickered for a moment after hearing her words. The room was drenched in complete silence, only the sound of their breathing and loud heartbeats could be heard. Both of them stood there staring at eachother, different emotions emerging in their eyes.

An unexpectedly crooked smile, appeared on Shi-Oh's face, as he took a step back from her. His eyes glimmered, before he leaned down a bit to meet her eyes, and responded to her unfiltered remark in his deepened voice, “Now...I wouldn't want that, would I?”

What is happening? Tsetseg wondered. Did he just indirectly promise to not kill an innocent person from now on? Was that what it was? Was she reading too much into the situation? But...he just said that he wouldn't want her to...never see his face again. He didn't want her to hate him...?

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